Indian scene:
European: English to Spanish etc are meant for using GIS itself by the learned 
Indictranslation: Most Indians who use GIS use it in English. The Indic 
translation is for making
                         the semi-english-literate to actually use FOSS4G tools 
for villages, for local administration etc.
                         So the english word is just changed to indian 
language, such that user can read english in his own script.

FOSS4G tools are all front-end translatable, with ease or with a pinch of salt.
All those who have tried/succeeded in Indic translation may pl give their 

To Grade software-usability easy translation is one of the parameters.

Translating properties files. 
Online: this needs a good internet connection (and also a feeling that you may 
mess it up)
Offline: You do it at leisure, using openoffice/googletransliterate etc

Translation with coding: 
I wonder, how many FOSS4G tools still have stayed here..??
Where after translation the code needs re-compilation, or work that a 
programmer only can do.

Ravi Kumar
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