so foss4g japan and korea is ilegal????

based on my discussion with venka (the main owner of domain), he
said about that any chapter is ok to create their own foss4g all over the

and we can see there are foss4g japan and foss4g korea, and they also
conduct this event mostly yearly.

after met them, they willing to help create community here, in indonesia
(Where i am stay )...

and of course, that is "hard" to go FOSS4G, which Geoff Zeiss has helped me
to visit Sydney...

we know there are several country that have very limited budget with a lot
of reason ..

should we have a small gis event, that every country can work with it, my
experience that will be cool if it is one name shareable.

so i see the "foss4g" is the one.

but after see bruce's i think i must clarified again.

i think venka must forward the "criteria" of the foss4g name before give to
osgeo, or dunno .. because i am not part of the event.

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Bruce Bannerman <>wrote:

>  I don’t like the idea of having multiple variants to the FOSS4G name.
> I believe that it weakens and detracts from the value of FOSS4G as **the**
> international event that brings open source spatial people together in a
> ‘gathering of the tribes’.
> As a former organiser of FOSS4G-2009, if I was faced with the opportunity
> to again host the prestigious FOSS4G event, as things stand at present I
> would not get involved. This is due to the weakening of the brand and
> confusion in the marketplace. For example, do I go to FOSS4G, FOSS4G.AU,
> FOSS4G.US, FOSS4G.UK, FOSS4G.ID etc etc? What is the difference between
> them?
> We have colleagues who are trying to organise FOSS4G-2012. All of this
> discussion is making their job much, much harder than it needs to be.
> Lets get behind them and support their hard work. It is certainly not easy
> to organise such an event and takes considerable effort and devotion.
> By all means hold regional events. These are very important for spreading
> information.
> But please let’s find a different name.
> Bruce Bannerman
> On 18/11/11 3:38 PM, "Frans Thamura" <> wrote:
> got another idea
> should we buy <>  for indonesia, and
> <>  for japan?
> but i love have a consolidation work together
> F
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Frans Thamura <>
> wrote:
> > i want to bring FOSS4G to bigger one, all related to GIS.. but based on
> Open.
> I definitely second this.
> Without this concept, we would be isolated ourself from whole geospatial
> ocean.
> thx toru-san ..
> that will be honour for me to create FOSS4G Indonesia, i believe can start
> next year.. :)
> this is bigger scope and better value to conduct it
> but i still get unanswer question regarding to, why tokyo and
> osaka & korea are not in the website.
> which venka said that open to anyone to create local event using FOSS4G
> name.
> I think that will be cool, if here we can have subdomain, like
> <>  or <
>>  (indonesia)
> so all consolidated there..
> any idea for this request
> and i see also <>  main website need touch to
> make it better, to bring wave to the world.
> any idea all?
> F
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