On 11/19/2011 04:05 PM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
> Hi Gerald
> On 2011/11/19 17:59, Gérald Fenoy wrote:
> ...
>> Nevertheless, I think that the page on which user arrive should not be
>> a general
>> presentation of the company but maybe the description of their
>> involvement in
>> OSGeo. I mean, a page more dedicated / specific to OSGeo. Honestly, if
>> we look
>> at the osgeo.eu page, the OSGeo logo looks lost amongst all the other
>> logos
>> (yes, it is here, the small one on your left).
> +1 to that. But as I said before osgeo.eu should also present activities
> of Local Chapters
> in the EU zone.
> ....
>> Anyway, I like a lot the Arnulf sentence published in 2009, I think it
>> is good to
>> keep it in mind and which say a lot :
>>    "OSGeo is nothing without you doing it."
> Nice.  I wonder why the "Executive Report from the President" stopped
> coming after  2009
> (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Executive_Report_from_the_President_2009).
> The 2009 report
> by Arnulf was a great one. I think there should be an annual Executive
> Report from the OSGeo
> President.
> Best
> Venka

Because Arnulf is a lazy sod.

...Seven goes to basement and starts to write another executive report.
She will skip 2010 though, if that is OK.

Btw: Is somebody interested in taking over the dormant Journal? This is
where the 2009 report was requested from.


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