On Dec 2, 2011, at 10:30 AM, Dave McIlhagga wrote:

> I would suggest that on the contrary, being a Charter Member does come with 
> responsibility -- it may be minimal but is critically important. All that is 
> required is voting for new Charter Members and voting for the Board.
> ..

I agree with Dave. There is really not much that I do as a Charter Member that 
I couldn't do as joe-schmoe-at-large, and since voting is the only thing that I 
can do as a Charter Member, I better do that little bit with a sense of 
responsibility... else, dismantle the whole "Charter Member" thing and let's 
just get back to doing what we do as ordinary folks. And, in the end, all that 
matters is what we do. That merits saying again -- 

being a Charter Member is no bees-knees. Anyone who is *not* a Charter Member 
is just as equally valuable as anyone who is one. In the end, all that matters 
is what we contribute to the cause through our actions no matter what 
"position" we hold, even if it is no position at all.

Puneet Kishor_______________________________________________
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