The uDig Community is pleased to announce the release of uDig 1.3.0.

This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 8.0-M4 
(http://geotoolsnews.blogspot.com/2011/12/geotools-80-m4.html). Thanks to 
Andrea Amie and Gabriel Roldan for support, encouragement and timely bug fixes.

This point release includes significant usability improvements and new 
functionality - thanks to the hard work of Levi Putna and Paul Pfeiffer.

For more information on User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS please check out the 
uDig Overview (http://udig.refractions.net/confluence/display/EN/uDig+Overview).

Download the package appropriate to your platform, unzip and run:

uDig download page (http://udig.refractions.net/download/) (with archives for 
Windows, Mac and Linux)
udig-1.3.0 Release Notes 
Issue Tracker Change Log 


This release features some great usability improvements with a new tool palette 
and easy to access tool options.

Here are some new features you can look forward to:

Area of Interest support - define your area of interest based on CRS, current 
screen or a bookmark
Filter the Table view using the current area of interest - a great way to focus 
on what is on screen
Updated Info and Profile tool for raster data
Teradata support
Spatial Toolbox view allowing access to OMS3 processing; with tutorial!
New import and export formats: CSV and KML.
Check out What is new page 
(http://udig.refractions.net/confluence/display/EN/What+is+new) for details

Usability Improvements

New Tool Palette with easy to use Tool Options for quick access to preferences 
(blog (http://udig-news.blogspot.com/2011/10/tool-palette-and-options.html))
New "cheatsheet" help system offering guide assistance to new users (blog 
Control Tool interaction with your layers with the ability to mark background 

Additional documentation:

Updated Walkthrough 1 
(http://udig.refractions.net/confluence/display/EN/Walkthrough+1) and 
Walkthrough 2 (http://udig.refractions.net/confluence/display/EN/Walkthrough+2) 
for the new Tool Palette and Tool Options
Extensive update to online help including uDig Overview 
New step by step Introduction to Spatial Toolbox 
Reorganisation of the Tasks 
(http://udig.refractions.net/confluence/display/EN/Tasks) section with step by 
step instructions for using new features

For developers:
Access to the latest GeoTools 8.0-M4 release
Access to the latest JTS 1.12
Access to the latest ImageIO-EXT 1.1.2
Fork me on github (https://github.com/uDig/)
Works with Eclipse 3.7

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