I would like to nominate Andrea Aime for OSGeo charter membership.

Andrea as a key contributor to the GeoServer[1] and GeoTools[2] projects. 
Actually Andrea may the key contributor - the GeoServer issue tracker lists 
Andrea as the project lead. While I feel I should quote some bug closing 
statistics here, what is more important is his commitment to the community 
(always ready with a code review) and supportive presence on the GeoServer and 
GeoTools user lists.

[1] http://geoserver.org/
[2] http://geotools.org/

As a public representative Andrea is beloved for his effective stage presence. 
Most recognisable in the popular FOSS4G "WMS Shootout" series[3], or exploring 
topics at regional events (most recently making the trip to FOSS4G-NA [4]).

[3] http://2010.foss4g.org/wms_benchmarking.php
[4] http://foss4g-na.org/schedule/the-state-of-geoserver/
Jody Garnett

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