For everyone's interest.

I have worked on the idea of community models for years.

I have even converted a lot of the "ESRI" (for they are community models NOT 
ESRI models) in to schemas for deployment on Oracle or PostgreSQL.

In addition I have been working with Sparx Systems to enhance their ESRI GeoDatabase 
Extension so that a geoDatabase can be seen as a "view" of a corporate data 
model. This work is to be executed for release, hopefully, in the next release of 
Enterprise Architect.

Count me in on any project to make (spatially enabled) data models available on 
the web as an open source,
Creative Commons Licensed project.

On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 00:33:46 +1000, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) 
<> wrote:


Sounds interesting.  Please keep me in the loop as you move forward.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Landon Blake
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:14 PM
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Sharing GIS Data Models

I recently started work on a GIS for a small sewer district at my day job. I'm 
currently using diagrams I created in Inkscape
( to illustrate the following elements of my GIS data 

1) Simple Feature Attributes
2) Individual Feature Level Metadata

When the data model documentation process is complete I hope to also have 
diagrams for the additional elements of my GIS data model:

1) Topology Data
2) Feature Relationships
3) Feature Editing History

The diagrams will be combined with a short written guide to document the data 
model. I plan on sharing all of the data model, including its design, the SVG 
and PDF files of the diagrams, and the written guide.
I'd like to release all of that under a Creative Commons License. If I can find 
time, I'll tweak the diagrams to create templates that could be easily applied 
to other data models.

Is there any interest among other OSGeo members in these data model documents 
and templates? If there is, I'd love to gather feedback from interested 
parties. If there was enough interest, I'd like to talk about hosting an open 
data model page similar to the one here:

I'd could commit to maintaining the data for the sewer data model, and hope to 
add data models for the Public Land Survey System and Flood Control 
Infrastructure before the end of the year. If there isn't interest in doing 
that as part of OSGeo, I'll put up a set of GIS data model pages here:

Ultimately my goal is to encourage better documentation and sharing of GIS data 
model design. Inkscape is a really wonderful vector graphics program that makes 
it possible to do this in a beautiful way using common templates.

If there is any interest, I'll share what I've got so far, and will move the 
conversation to the OSGeo standards mailing list.


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