I'd like to nominate Ragi Burhum as an OSGeo Charter Member.

Ragi is an important member of the OSGeo California Chapter. During
the past four years, Ragi has made several presentations about FOSS4G
in various conferences ranging from small local Linux Chapters to
conferences like PgWest, SCALE, OSCON, MySQLConference. He has also
helped setup and work the OSGeo booth for several events. He is the
organizer of the GeoMeetup (San Francisco Meetup with 700+ members)
which has an active OSGeo presence and has been used to raise the
awareness of FOSS4G in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco startup
community. He has created two of GDAL's drivers (ArcObjects and
FileGDB) and contributes GDAL patches as well.

Ragi is also helps host and administer the annual OSGeo California
Chapter meetings. In addition, he cencourages me to overcome my
addiction to Java and learn Python. :]

Ragi would make a great charter member of OSGeo.

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