Dear all,

this is a note of support of Angelos nomination as a Charter Member for OSGeo. I have met Angelos and started working with him rather recently and I have to say that he is passionate and well versed in the matters of open source in general and specifically the GI related open source issues. Angelos is finishing his PhD at the National Technical University of Athens and is becoming a very active researcher.

As the founder of the OSGeo Greek Chapter, I have to say that I value his contributions to the local community and that we need more people like Angelos. Both the chapter and the OSGeo Community in general can greatly benefit from his involvement.

Since I am not a charter member I cannot support him any other way but by asking the charter members to consider supporting him - so please do so!

Best regards,

Dimitris Kotzinos

Dimitris Kotzinos, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of GeoInformatics and Surveying
Technical Educational Institution of Serres
Serres, Greece
phone: +302321049394
fax: +302321049117
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