Hello OSGeo community!

I thank Mike for such a nice nomination.  It would be an honor to again
represent the OSGeo community on the Board of Directors of OSGeo, and I
accept this nomination.

General Thoughts

OSGeo for me has always been about the community.  I have worked very
hard in my career on specific parts of community building for OSGeo,
that often involved no code writing: answering questions on mailing
lists (often on non-English lists), documentation, installers, testing
new features in software, providing feedback to developers, event
planning, hands-on workshops, benchmarking...

So, in my mind, the future of OSGeo will still be about the community.
Sure, we/OSGeo are in the middle of an interesting time:

- a 15,000-strong event is happening as I write this now in San Diego,
and a lot of their products are using FOSS code now (this to me is very
- FOSS4G regional events are being created all around the globe (I am
fascinated as I watch this)
- Our recently added Charter Members are mostly all non-North American
(wow really a great sign of OSGeo and FOSS4G spreading around the world)
- OSGeo revenue sources are not as clear as before
- a very interesting group is being formed as we speak, Location
Industry Working Group, composed of some key industry players (and we
must consider how OSGeo can work with this group, as there is some great
momentum being generated there)
- a large FOSS4G event will not be happening in 2012

Ambitions for OSGeo

I want OSGeo to grow.  I want every person in the geospatial industry to
know what OSGeo and FOSS4G are.  I want them to see our passion, to feel
it, to experience it.  And I want them to experience it in their local
areas.  I want more local chapters forming, more informal chapter
meetings over a drink and chat at the local restaurant.

Personal Motivation

Some of you might wonder what happened, that I felt I should resign from
the OSGeo Board so recently (February), after being so active on it
since back in September of 2009.  Some community members might have
strong opinions that: I was worn out, exhausted, frustrated, unhappy
that my FOSS4G Advisor proposal didn't take off, needed a change, not
made for such a director position,... I've now heard many opinions.
Looking back now, I needed a break.  After Denver I needed to take some
time, to step back.  And I did just that.

Recently some might have noticed that I am active again; indeed I feel
rejuvenated.  I am the old me.  Passionate about OSGeo, FOSS4G, and,
chicken wings and beer :)

Personal Goals

As Mike mentioned, I don't lack any passion for OSGeo or FOSS4G, I can
be very vocal, but sometimes that is not what is needed.  I must learn
to be more professional, to let others do their jobs, to let things
happen, and to help the community grow.  I will work hard to do this.

I have made many mistakes; and because I am so open and vocal, all of my
mistakes are there for everyone to see.  But I don't regret being open.
 Mistakes give me character, make me who I am, allow me to grow.  So, I
will grow with OSGeo and FOSS4G :)

Call for more Board Nominations

I too have been asking other community members these past weeks if they
are interested in being nominated for the Board; I hope everyone is
contacting their own local community leaders and asking them.


I also respect that sometimes it is good to have new members on the
Board, a new perspective, from a different geographic region (or how did
Arnulf put it? a non-NorthAmerican-middleaged-male? ha)  And I agree.

But don't get me wrong, I am interested in helping OSGeo and FOSS4G.  I
would be honored to represent the community again.

Thank you everyone, you've all really helped me grow.



On 12-07-23 7:03 PM, Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH wrote:
> I would like to nominate Jeff McKenna to the board of OSGeo.
> As to his qualifications, how much time to do you have? Jeff lives and
> breathes OSGeo and is one of the most active members of the OSGeo
> community. He is a friend, resource and gateway to all who have an
> interest in Open Source (data and software) and OSGeo in particular.
> Jeff is one of the original charter members (from 2006) and has been on
> the OSGeo board before (September 2009). Jeff has a passion for OSGeo
> that is unrivaled by anyone, a big heart, and  is considered someone
> always ready to talk or listen when anyone, anywhere has a OSGeo
> question, comment or critique. Jeff is very international in his
> approach to OSGeo and works with and participates with many, many OSGeo
> chapters worldwide. He has also been an incredible force behind almost
> all of the international FOSS4G conferences. Jeff would be a humble,
> strong, active and loud voice for OSGeo.
> And I'm proud to call him my friend.
> Mike
> -- 
> Michael Smith
> US Army Corps
> Remote Sensing GIS/Center

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