Dear OSGeo Community and Charter Members,

I would like to nominate Frank Warmerdam for re-election in the OSGeo Board of 

Frank is one of the key persons that have contributed to OSGeo creation and 
have served it as a board member since then. He is currently taking part in 
various OSGeo committees, such as the System Administration Committee and 
Incubation Committee, or updating the web site etc..

Frank is also the chair of the GDAL PSC and MetaCRS PSC, member of the 
MapServer PSC, as well as a maintainer of other core components, such as 
libtiff and libgeotiff, that a lot of the OSGeo software stack rely on.

His experience, deep knowledge of OSGeo since its inception, and his 
accomplishments make him a good candidate to serve again on the Board to help 
ensure continuity in the realization of OSGeo's vision and mission.

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