On 12-07-27 3:09 PM, Adrian Custer wrote:
> [2] I personally find the failure to make Martin a charter member as one
> glaring indictment of OSGeo and its community, revealing the inwards
> looking favoritism and lack of exploration beyond. There are few people
> as passionate, knowledgeable, or productive as Martin about free
> geospatial software so the fact that OSGeo has not managed to pull in
> his energy reveals both that the community fails to include some great
> folk and that OSGeo does not actually manage to represent the interests
> of 'free geospatial software' in general.

I have worked with Martin several years now through the Benchmarking
exercises; I agree his passion and knowledge is top notch.  It is
unfortunate that he slipped through the cracks for Charter Membership,
and it would be my honor to nominate him (but we just missed the 2012
charter elections).  You can also nominate him, so, we are all to blame
here; it happens, we have so many talented people in the community.  My
honest apologies to Martin, and others that feel this way; we appreciate
your community involvement so much.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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