OSGeo Members:

I'd like to start a blog about my work as volunteer editor of the
OSGeo Journal. This blog would give me the opportunity to do the

1) Provide regular updates on the Journal.
2) Recruit new volunteers for the Journal team.
3) Solicit Contributions to future issues of the Journal.
4) Post Journal articles online.
5) Acknowledge the efforts of Journal volunteers.

I'm already using Wordpress, and it would be simple for me to start
the blog there. But I didn't want to take that step without opening
the idea for debate here.

I certainly don't need the blog to be "official" in any capacity, but
if OSGeo has the infrastructure and the community prefers the blog be
hosted there, I don't have a problem with that. I wanted to ask before
I started blazing my own trail. How has this issue been handled in the
by other members working on OSGeo committees or projects?

Let me know what you think.

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