Al 02/10/12 16:16, En/na Barry Rowlingson ha escrit:
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Adrian Custer <> wrote:
Just picking the 'good' talks may lead the conference to once again have
many talks about the same projects that have come to dominate and fewer
talks from new talent.
Therefore picking talks only on the individual merits, whether of the
abstract, topic, or speaker, leads to a particular kind of gathering,
geared towards past success rather than towards fostering future diversity.
Yes, this is why the community rating is only part of the process.
The intention of it is, I think, to give the committee an idea of
community feeling for the proposals. If the top 100 community-related
proposals are all about PostGIS the committee should make some
adjustments for balance, but would at least know what the top 10 rated
PostGIS proposals were and have a PostGIS stream for them.
At FOSSG2010 in Barcelona, considering that we had different sized rooms
at the venue, we used the community rating as a valuable information to
assign rooms to each presentation, according to its popularity. Again,
as Barry pointed out, the community rating was considered as a part of
the process of selecting presentations. Then the LOC assumed the final
selection of presentations, trying to keep a logical balance between
topics, presenters, etc... and its popularity.
My 2cts
Also, FOSS4G is not an Unconference...
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Lluís Vicens
SIGTE - Universitat de Girona
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