I'm in the process of trying to take over as the steward for OSGeo
Labs as part of my duties with the OSGeo Incubation Committee. As part
of this process I'd like to get a handle on the projects that are "in"
labs. There is a short list of "stable" and "young and experimental"
projects on the current Labs wiki page. Since I'm editing that page
today, here is the list:

Stable Projects:
- GeoWebCache
- pgRouting

Young and Experimental Projects
- GeoExt
- GeoFunctions
- Geoinformatica
- OpenGeocoder
- OpenRouter
- Grids
- OSGeo Graphics
- pycsw
- OWSLib
- SemanticGeo
- ZOO-Project

Can you please let me know if you are involved with one of these
projects? I'm trying to determine which projects are "in" labs, and
then establish a point of contact with each project so I can help them
get ready for official incubation.



P.S. - If you have thoughts on the purpose and work of OSGeo Labs,
please let me know. I have my own vision, but I'd like to get feedback
from other OSGeo members.
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