Arnie,I have some interests in the public safety arena, not currently working 
in that space professionally, for a number of years was involved in 
infrastructure management software mostly for utilities / telecom.
Here's a link that might be interesting 
= Geospatial Information Technology Association (they were hired to manage 
FOSS4G/Denver in '11), they've hosted a number of workshops "GECCo" 
(Geospatially Enabling Community Collaboration) in various cities, one of them 
being Arlington TX in June '11, which I attended.
These are not specifically geared to open source.  I was there more or less to 
represent the OSGEO perspective (translation: "No, please don't assume I'm 
referring to ArcGIS unless I specifically say that I am").
I mention these events because they center around how multiple jurisdictions 
and other holders of geospatial data can best share resources to manage 
something as dynamic as a storm or other event that affects public safety -- my 
interests are in how open standards/software might tackle such a problem.
I'd be pleased to see some sort of open source interest group form around this 
subject matter.  Feel free to contact me offline if you wish.
Robert H.
(this message may not properly sub under your original thread)
---------original message----------------------[OSGeo-Discuss] Public Safety 
OSGeo Interests Here?
                Monday, January 21, 2013 1:46 PM
            "Arnie Shore" <>
                disc...@lists.osgeo.orgi'd be interested in hearing from any of 
you with interests in the
Public Safety applications area.

I for one have such interests, being one of the developers behind our
Open Source (mostly) Computer-Aided-Dispatch application, Tickets by
name, in which geo plays a major role.

In truth my specialized interest right now is rather narrow, this
being in interoperability with many of the commercial deodata formats,
notably accommodating shapefiles within Leaflet for use with OSM
tilesets and data.  Which interest admittedly is probably best served
by hanging out in the Leaflet and OSM neighborhoods.

But other practitioners in the PS world may well have broader
interests than mine, and I'd like very much to contact you to see if
any cross-fertilization occurs.


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