Thanks for the hard work on our books Daniel!


On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 7:37 PM, Daniel Morissette

> OSGeo Members,
> This email is to give you a few quick updates on OSGeo's finance front:
> 1- 2013 budget
> The 2013 budget has been adopted at the 2013-04-11 board meeting. It is
> available in the wiki at 
> 2- Outsourcing of book keeping and accounting
> Since the early days of OSGeo, all book keeping and accounting was done by
> our Executive Director, and then in 2011 I took over those tasks as
> treasurer. However accounting is better done by a real accountant and
> having a volunteer treasurer handling those tasks is not sustainable in the
> long run, especially when the treasurer is likely to change from year to
> year. For this reason we are looking into options to outsource the book
> keeping and accounting tasks to an accountant knowledgeable about
> nonprofits to help keep our books straight, produce regular financial
> statements, and mostly insure continuity between treasurers from year to
> year. We may have found a skilled and affordable resource to handle this
> for us. One of the first tasks for this resource would be to review and
> cleanup the books from past years as needed and then produce formal
> financial statements for fiscal years 2011 and 2012 that we can then share
> with our members. More info about this in the not too distant future I hope.
> 3- Non-profit status with the IRS (a.k.a. 501c3 status)
> Our nonprofit status in the US is not resolved yet. We had an exchange
> with the IRS agent responsible for our case a few weeks ago and provided
> some missing information. I expect that we will hear back from them soon
> with a decision on our status. More info about our recent exchanges with
> the IRS is available at**
> 501c3_Application:_Questions_**from_IRS,_September_2012<,_September_2012>
> That's it for now
> Daniel (OSGeo Treasurer)
> ______________________________**_________________
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