
If you write a quickstart we can grant you access to commit it to the svn repository directly (see Or you can send the file to the OSGeo Live mailing list ( or attach it to a ticket ( )

Copying this to the OSGeo Live list where we should continue the discussion.


On 05/30/2013 10:00 AM, Ramirez, Paul M (398J) wrote:
Hi Alex,

Will definitely let the community know when this is done. Fairly certain
we'll have a quick start on how to do get the VM going and if you guys
want to add this documentation upstream in the site that would be great,
are you the person to send that type of information to? This is something
that will get done in the next few weeks on the VM Depot side.

If we run into any snafus with the VM format that can't be overcome fairly
easily I'll take you up on the offer. If we end up changing the VM format
we'll push that upstream too.

Paul Ramirez

On 5/30/13 8:39 AM, "Alex Mandel" <> wrote:

On 05/30/2013 07:10 AM, Ramirez, Paul M (398J) wrote:

Not sure who to ask but figured this list could provide some insight.
I'd like to take the OSGeo-Live [1] and make it available on VM Depot
[2] run by Microsoft Open Tech. VM Depot is really just a community
catalog of VMs that could  be easily spun up on Microsoft Azure. I would
eventually like to do the same on Amazon but for now this work aligns
with other efforts in my day job. It don't think there will be that much
effort involved in doing this but I wanted to make sure that this wasn't
already done by someone and that it was okay to essentially redistribute
this work.

The intended purpose of this is to help make it easier for some NASA
Earth Science people I work with to have a platform to explore these
technologies. We would eventually extend on this VM with  ways to
interact with NASA services/examples but figured this was an easy way to
get bootstrapped. The other motivation we have is to infuse FOSS4G
technologies into our data systems so this seemed like an avenue to do
such a thing.

A little background on me. I was lucky enough to be able to participate
on the planning committee for this years FOSS4G NA but unfortunately
sequestered and unable to attend. Currently, I'm helping lead some
working groups within NASA that focus on Geospatial efforts so my
motivation there is to help tie that community to this one. I've worked
for NASA for quite some time but over the last 2 years have become
passionate about the open source efforts in the geospatial community.

Essentially, I really want to make sure that I credit OSGeo and all the
people that did the work but at the same time not infringe on their
efforts in any way. Any pointers, thoughts, concerns, etc. would be
greatly appreciated.

Paul Ramirez


It is absolutely ok to distribute. I don't think anyone has done it yet,
so you should and post back with the info for the community. We can even
add a link in the documentation about how to create a VM on Azure based
on the upload. We have talked about an EC2 instance also but no one has
done that yet either.

Let us know if you need anything, ie the VM drive in another format...


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