I second that. Indeed hard to believe he isn't a charter members already....
I met him at the Bolsena code sprints. His knowledge and enthusiasm about Open 
Source and OSGeo is very 'catching'. 

Roy Braam
B3Partners BV
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rbraam

Bart van den Eijnden <bart...@osgis.nl> , 7/9/2013 1:47 PM:
I'd like to nominate Volker Mische for OsGeo charter membership, since to my 
*GREAT* surprise he is not already a charter member.
Volker hardly needs any introduction. He is the creator of GeoCouch and works 
at Couchbase. I'm sure many of you have seen his talks @FOSS4G conferences on 
this subject.
He also contributed to OpenLayers, has co-created a library that integrates 
OpenLayers with jQuery (MapQuery).
Volker is very active member in the OsGeo community already, and was involved 
in the organisation of FOSS4G in 2009 in Sydney.
See also: http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2013/programm/speakers/33.de.html
Best regards,Bart
Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS - http://osgis.nl   

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