On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 10:01:12 +0200
Margherita Di Leo <dileomargher...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Name: Helmut Kudrnovsky
> Email: alectoria AT gmx DOT at
> Wiki: http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Hellik
> Dear All,
> It is my pleasure to nominate Helmut Kudrnovsky from Austria as an
> OSGeo charter member.
> Honestly I had to double check the list of current charter members
> for I was really surprised not to find him there yet!
> Helli is an enthusiastic propagator of GFOSS, and a key resource for
> the GRASS GIS community, due his commitment on testing and improving
> the compatibility for MS Windows.
> Furthermore, he is always prompt in helping users in ML. I was lucky
> to meet him in person during EGU 2013 conference in Vienna and he
> helped us with the organization of our session on FOSS in Geosciences.

I second Helmut's nomination! His work may be less visible to Linux
developers, but is crucial for a great part of our users.


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