An application area often ignored in the GIS community is that of
Computer-Aided-Dispatch, a key element of emergency response, in which
location data is clearly critical.

Our Open Source CAD, Tickets by name,  is one example.  (

On 9/30/13, Barry Rowlingson <> wrote:
> A colleague who lectures on GIS at the university asked me if I'd give
> him some advice on open-source geospatial so he could at least
> introduce his third year geography & environmental science
> undergraduates to the idea. Thanks to the joy of site licenses the
> students get to use ACME Proprietary GIS System without having to
> worry about the cost.
> So anyway, I offered to teach the lecture for him. What can I do in 50
> minutes (and possibly a workshop) for 90 undergraduates? Here's a
> brain dump:
>  Compare and contrast: Free/Open/Proprietary/Closed/Commercial.
> Copyright/Licensing/GPL/Copyleft etc.
>  Open Standards: formation and importance - talk about the OGC,
> general goodness of interoperability
>  Open source development advantages/perceived disadvantages and
> rejoinders to those.
>  Commercialising Open Source, open source in industry.
>  Open Source in Education - reproducible science, 'climategate' as a
> failure of openness?
>  Case Studies: Open source in government - global deployments as case
> studies
>  Open source in the UK:  Ordnance Survey/Met Office case studies
> - thats probably enough for 50 minutes. If I can do a workshop I'd
> probably just get them to boot up OSGeo Live and play with QGIS for an
> hour, maybe try and duplicate one of their GIS exercises from an
> earlier module (load layers, buffer, overlay, report...).
> Any thoughts?
> Barry
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