Hi Paul,
On OSGeo-Live, we also package pycsw, which might also be worth evaluating:

I'd suggest that extending an existing project is usually better long term than starting a new project and splitting sponsors/developers between two projects.

On 4/02/2014 1:48 AM, Breimyer, Paul - 0442 - MITLL wrote:

My name is Paul Breimyer and I work for MIT Lincoln Laboratory, a government research lab (FFRDC). We are building what is effectively a secure CS-W portal interface for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I'm writing to see if OSGeo might be interested in the portal if it were open sourced appropriately. As part of this work we reviewed GeoNetwork: the backend services were well implemented, but we found the portal to be lacking capabilities that were necessary (at least for our use cases). There may be an opportunity to enhance the GeoNetwork portal to facilitate broader adoption of the CS-W standard. Please let me know if there's interest to learn more.




Paul Breimyer, Ph.D.

Technical Staff, Surveillance Systems

MIT Lincoln Laboratory

(781) 981-0923 (work)

(781) 879-8675 (cell)

paul.breim...@ll.mit.edu <mailto:pbreim...@ll.mit.edu>

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