You may like to at what Arnulf has been doing towards certification.
Endorsing is a trickery game indeed.

For GeoServer we simply list organizations, noting what kind of work each
is known for ( but not offering an endorsement).

On Sunday, May 4, 2014, Steven Feldman <> wrote:

> Thanks Jody
> I would like to have a document or web link to point at as the start of a
> conversation with an organisation. It can’t be mandatory but we might want
> to consider community endorsement of organisations which adopt the charter
> or 'social contract'
> I’ll start a wiki page with a few thoughts and open it up for others to
> contribute their views
> ______
> Steven
> On 2 May 2014, at 12:14, Jody Garnett 
> <<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
> wrote:
> I think you are leaning towards the "social contract" associated with
> being part of a community.
> For organisations that do not wish to participate, that is fine.
> Participation is one way of minimising the risks associated with the use of
> open source software, as long as they are making that decision with a
> decent understanding that is fine.
> The way I figure it they will get burned a few times before taking
> interesting in participation :) But yeah if you are talking to managers
> speak in terms of risk and change control, not community/participation -
> know your audience.
> I think I had a rant about the social 
> contact<> 
> last
> year, it produced one more tester of GeoServer - making the process of
> issuing release candidates suspect.
> --
> Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett
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