I agree with Jeff that it is necessary for an organisation such as OSGeo
to be present at certain important events to represent the organisation
and do some necessary networking.

I invite all interested parties to further discuss what the etiquette
should be for OSGeo representatives in function.
member presentations, OSGeo project presentations
(presentation of proper company logo allowed or not, etc ...)
Is marketing for company or organisation allowed, if so how much slides,
etc ...
In general I think the current members are handling thsi very
respectfull, but clear rules can only help for everybody...

I suggest to discuss this in the industry list (here also in cc) and I
invite everybody to join these important discussions.


Have a nice weekend!

On 18-07-14 13:31, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hi Dimitris,
> Although your points make sense, the reality is that the President is
> requested specifically for many things, in person, or on a Skype call,
> writing a support letter, shaking a hand, giving a talk, etc etc.  This
> is why I am so busy lately, and obviously why Arnulf was as well.  For a
> second, imagine if Arnulf was the president all those years *without*
> ever having a fulltime employee (which was the case for many years, as
> Tyler was here as a paid Executive Director); the reality is different
> now, where our foundation has no employees and things in fact do trickle
> up (this is natural).
> So I am ok with more specific definitions of roles in our organization,
> but let us be realistic, is all that I ask. :)
> -jeff
> On 2014-07-18, 11:26 AM, Dimitris Kotzinos wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> some thoughts on the discussion of the role of the president in OSGEO,
>> as the discussion is going on in the board-list.
>> First of all, I hope that this is a discussion of interest for all OSGEO
>> members and thus I cc:discuss.
>> Secondly I think I agree mostly with Michael Gerlek's point in his
>> e-mail of July 17th, so I think that there are ways to lighten the
>> President's burden. A small example: there are very competent board
>> members coming from Europe, they can easily and successfully represent
>> the board in European based events. The same is true for Australia and
>> South America. So less work for the president and fewer expenses for the
>> board and the budget even if these trips are covered (which could even
>> not be the case if the specific board member would attend anyway).
>> Moreover this brings back an older suggestion that we need to officially
>> establish regional chapters that will also be directly connected with
>> the regional events like FOSS4G-Europe. This would ease a lot of those
>> discussions.
>> Thirdly, reading Arnulf's account for his term, one can only say
>> "wowowow" and thank you to Arnulf and Jeff for the (both personal and
>> financial) burden they have taken so far.
>> Forthly, I think that the organization should cover the expenses of any
>> members going on an "official" business, given that the board agrees on
>> that. For me it goes without saying that some limits should be set (e.g.
>> X* hotels) and as others pointed out maybe also a yearly overall limit
>> not to be exceeded in any case. Of course again and as usual in OSGEO
>> everything funded should be public.
>> Lastly, I think that increasing the president's term will only
>> discourage people to apply for that position. Two years is enough and if
>> he/she wants can reapply - Eli's suggestion of putting a two terms limit
>> is also good. I prefer a more flexible scheme that could include a
>> president elect or some sharing of responsibilities with other members
>> of the board, e.g. establishing a vice-president's position.
>> My 2cs and thanks for listening,
>> Dimitris
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Yours sincerely,

ir. Dirk Frigne

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