I want to second Bruce, and he still may expect an answer on the mail
with questions he send on the mailinglist :-)


On 22-07-14 18:22, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> It is with pleasure and honour that I second the nomination of Bruce as
> a Charter Member.  Seeing him work so hard on the FOSS4G 2009 committee,
> and then watching him do all the little and thankless tasks for all
> these years since, including helping with the Incubation Committee,
> makes me feel strongly that he should be a Charter Member of OSGeo and
> recognized for his commitment.  He brings a sense of calm and
> professionalism to the Foundation, and I can still remember having many
> laughs with him in person.  He is a great member of our community.
> -jeff
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Cameron Shorter
>> Date: 2014-07-22 10:30 GMT+02:00
>> Subject: Re: Bruce Bannerman, as OSGeo charter member [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
>> To: Bruce Bannerman
>> Cc: CRO <c...@osgeo.org>
>> I'd like to nominate Bruce Bannerman for OSGeo Charter membership.
>> Bruce has been very hard working toward the OSGeo cause and often
>> provides valuable insights to OSGeo discussions from a government
>> purchasing perspective. He currently works as the key a GeoSpatial
>> Architect at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, where he plays a
>> key role in the World Meteorological Organisation and Open Geospatial
>> Consortium where he is a member of several expert teams.
>> Bruce was incredibly hard working on the FOSS4G 2009 organising
>> committee, and was key in fostering OSGeo/OGC relationships by
>> coordination and sourcing substantial sponsorship. He has done a lot
>> of local OSGeo evangelism, manning OSGeo booths at conferences,
>> writing papers for Government committees on behalf of OSGeo and
>> helping found and run the Australian/New Zealand local chapter of
>> OSGeo. He is also the rasdaman mentor, helping guide the rasdaman
>> project through incubation.
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Yours sincerely,

ir. Dirk Frigne

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