Forwarding David Percy nomination by Eli.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eli Adam
Date: 2014-07-31 4:47 GMT+02:00
Subject: [Election 2014] Nomination of David Percy
To: CRO <>
Cc: Percy

I'm happy to nominate a long time local OSGeo leader, David Percy.

David Percy ("Percy") is involved with so many different aspects of
open source geospatial in the PDX area that I can't cover it all and
he probably can't even remember it all.  He's been doing this longer
than the seven years I've know him but I will cover that period.

Percy uses and teaches open source geospatial at Portland State
University.  Much of his work focuses on geological issues.  He has
also been involved with international geologic standards, software and
mapping and he includes open source geospatial in those as well. Percy
has been the center of various open source geospatial organizational
efforts locally.  Percy organized the PDX-OSGeo chapter for many
years.  He also has developed open source tracks in local GIS
conferences.  He is also the contact for the ICA-OSGeo lab at Portland
State University.

Best regards, Eli

Jorge Sanz
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