On 08/02/2014 03:11 PM, Jorge Sanz wrote:
Hi all

Nomination period for the OSGeo Charter Members elections have
finished. I've extended a grace period of 12 hours but we can't wait
more. So I'm really sorry for those that haven't confirmed their

Doing this process in July/August is not the best time to assure most
of people are available. For the next year we should start in May more
or less. That's all our fault as a Board, and more prominently mine
for non being more proactive in May, but we preferred to have a good
discussion on the process on June instead of deferring it for the next

Anyway, we have more than 60 excellent nominees[1], more than any
other year[2]. Today I'll finish the set up of the electronic voting
system that will send an e-mail to every charter member (using the
address provided to the Charter Members mailing list) with a personal
link to access to the voting system. If you have changed your mail
recently, please contact us (c...@osgeo.org) to update it properly.

Nominees, check your data on the wiki page[2] and if you have any
amendment sent it privately to us so we'll correct it ASAP.

It's been an intense couple of weeks, I haven't sent so many mails
before and wrote to so many people. Thank you all for your patience
and good luck to everyone with the elections.

Your CRO

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2014
[2] http://bl.ocks.org/jsanz/raw/779f9b9954b92461fa50/

Hi all,

Just a heads up: use the "Resume later" feature on the electronic voting system.
I tried to vote at once and lost all data when I submitted.


Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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