Forwarding Massimiliano Cannata nomination by Venkatesh Raghavan


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Venkatesh Raghavan
Date: 2014-08-12 6:55 GMT+02:00
Subject: Nomination for Prof. Massimiliano Cannata
To: OSGeo Chief Returning Officer <>

Prof. Massimiliano Cannata (aka Maxi) has been active with the FOSS4G community
since 2004 Bangkok, Thailand. He has been deeply involved in OSGeo
since its inception
and was elected as Charter Member in 2012. Over the last decade he has
been a regular presenter,
workshop lecturer, code sprints  and organizer of academic sessions in
numerous international and
regional conferences and events. He has lead the development of
several FOSS4G tools
like istSOS, GeoShield etc. He is also an active contributor and PSC
member of GRASS GIS and ZOO-Project.
He has contributed to FOSS4G education through development of courses, training
material and support of international students at his university. He
has been team
leader in several national and multi-national  R&D projects through which he has
actively promoted transfer of FOSS4G  technologies to the developing world
in Asia, Africa and South America. He presently server as Head of
Geomatics Department
at SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland) . He
is a great organizer
and leader and the OSGeo Foundation and Board stands to gain immensely
though his
expertise and experience. Brief details of his a part of his vast
activities are mentioned
in [1] and [2] below.


Jorge Sanz
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