Forwarding Michael Smith nomination by Daniel Morissette


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From: Daniel Morissette
Date: 2014-08-13 20:51 GMT+02:00
Subject: Board nomination for Michael Smith
To: OSGeo CRO <>

I'd like to nominate Michael Smith for the board election.

Mike works for the US Army Corps of Engineers Remote Sensing GIS
Center and has been a long time power user, supporter and contributor
of MapServer, GDAL/OGR and other OSGeo projects. He is a member of the
MapServer PSC and is also one of the instigators behind the PDAL
project, the GDAL of Point Clouds. In addition to his experience with
the OSGeo projects and community, he would bring to the board the
perspective of government organizations, which is a very important
group of users and contributors of OSGeo software that needs to be
represented on the board in my opinion.

He is a FOSS4G regular (he has not missed one since the 2003 MapServer
Users Meeting), and was an active participant and supporter of the
FOSS4G WMS Benchmarking exercise for several years.

Finally, Mike has been following the activities of the board for the
last few years (at least), often present as a quiet observer in IRC
board meetings and even in one of the face to face meetings, so I
believe he is well aware of the way OSGeo operates and prepared for
the challenges of serving on the board.

See also


Jorge Sanz
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