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Sure happy to talk over lunch.

And yes, Code Sprint = Code Sprint. Arguably OSGeo has some code, its
just not C or Java but some weird social code that is really hard to
serialize... Trying for years already but mostly creating new bugs. :-)


Am 2014-09-12 16:14, schrieb Jody Garnett:
> Thanks Arnulf, I gotta spend time with committers tomorrow (Code
> Sprint = Code Sprint). Would be happy to talk over lunch?
> Jody Garnett
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Seven <se...@arnulf.us 
> <mailto:se...@arnulf.us>> wrote:
> Folks, if anybody indicates interest in hacking OSGeo at the code
> sprint in Portland tomorrow please answer.
> In past years we have brain stormed around Marketing, Sponsorship, 
> Education, Data (specifically how OSGeo can support the Open Data 
> model) and so on. It is a aunique opportunity to evolve OSGeo as
> an organization and I would be happy to contribute to anything you
> might want to achieve for within and around OSGeo as an
> organization.
> This can also include how (or rather if at all) OSGeo manages
> FOSS4G. In my experience the day directly after the event is the
> best time to actually do this, impressions are still fresh and lots
> of ideas have popped up. If we do not invest some time into
> realizing them we are not going to get anywhere. So if you think
> OSGeo needs a push in a certain direction, join. There will be
> representatives from the board of directors, the president (I guess
> you are there Jeff, right?) and other folks in key roles. It is
> probably the only time in the year when you will get so many bright
> OSGeo folks in one place.
> Here is a link to drop your ideas. Its a Wiki, just go hack it as
> you like: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Hack_2014
> Cheers, Arnulf
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