OSGeo Guys and Gals:

I've got some open source code I hope to release for some recent work of
mine. The first batch of code is python code for ArcGIS script tools that
can assist with the generation of map books. These tools replace and
enhance some of the functionality in the ArcGIS Data Production Extension.
(Yes...I'm writing open source Python code for ArcGIS. Doesn't make me a
criminal.) I will probably start work on an open source replacement for the
extinct Survey Extension next year.

These second batch of code is a set of plug-ins for precise 3D
drafting/modeling in Trimble SketchUp. This includes tools that allow you
to draw faces (planes) and edges using coordinates, directions, and
distances. I've also inlcuded a set of 4 or 5 new sketchy styles I built
for SketchUp using Inkscape. You can view this stuff online already here:

I suspect I'll be slowly improving both toolkits over the next few months
as part of my day job. Please let me know if you have similar code (for
ArcGIS or Sketchup) that you'd be interested in packaging and maintaining
as part of a joint project. I'd like to get my stuff into OSGeo Incubation
Labs once we figure out what is happening there.

Have a good weekend!

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