A Tool to Handle Global Climate Data

 <http://www.globalclimatemonitor.org> www.globalclimatemonitor.org



Global Climate Monitor is a global climate web viewer containing accesible
climatic information from 1901 to present. It is a project developed by the
University of Seville Climate Research Group.

Not only viewing....Get your data wherever whenever!

The members of the Climate Research Group of the University of Sevilla
(Spain) are still working in the development of the Global Climate Monitor.
It is a system for viewing and downloading global climate data and
indicators  based exclusively on open source applications and open data
available at:  <http://www.globalclimatemonitor.org/>

We are pleased to announce that we have just launched some significant
improvements in the system, including:

 . The possibility to download the displayed data (in the map extent) in
multiple formats: kml, jpeg, geotiff, csv, excel and ESRI shapefile.

 . The updating of near real time data on total precipitation and mean
temperature. Every month the system will include the values corresponding to
the previous one in order to monitor global climate behaviour. Also we have
linked to NOAA monthly global climate report.

. The possibility to load the WGS84 coordinate reference system with the
appearance of a raster.

We would appreciate all suggestions and feedback! Please help us to
disseminate this information if you consider it of interest.

 www. <http://grupo.us.es/climatemonitor/> globalclimatemonitor.org

e.mail: globalclimatemoni...@us.es




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