Dear All, 

FOSS4G Seoul team would like to remind you that there is only one week left for 
FOSS4G Seoul presentation submissions. Presentation submission closes on 24th 
April. If you haven’t yet submitted your presentation topics, please submit 
your topics through FOSS4G Seoul page[1].

Presentations are the heart of the conference. We expect many interesting 
presentations during the conference showing the uses of open-source geospatial 
solutions in various fields and benefits of open-source geospatial solutions. 
Each individual presentations will be allowed about 25 minutes and 5 minutes 
for Q&A.

International FOSS4G 2015 will take place from 14th to 19th in Seoul, South 
Korea for the first time in Asia. There will be Asia Special Session discussing 
past, present and future of open-source geospatial in Asia during FOSS4G Seoul. 
Also FOSS4G Seoul conference will be co-hosted with SmartGeoExpo[2] - the 
largest geospatial event in Korea - at the same venue. FOSS4G Attendees can go 
to any talks or exhibition booth at SmartGeoExpo without additional cost. Thus 
FOSS4G Seoul will be your ideal point to share your brilliant recent works with 
more broader audiences. 

Hope to see many interesting talks here in Seoul in September. 



[2] <> 

Sanghee Shin, Chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul 
"Toward Diversity! FOSS4G Bigbang from Seoul!"
Twitter: @foss4g
Facebook: FOSS4G2015

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