Dear Shashish,

Great to hear from you and to know you and our colleagues there are safe by 
God's grace. I am ccing our colleagues as everyone will be relieved to hear you 
and colleagues there are safe. I have been closely following the twitter feeds 
and blogs of colleagues in Nepal so was keeping updated on the amazing work and 
 relief efforts that you all have been doing. These work and service you all 
were able to do at such short notice  in these harsh conditions is motivating 
all of us to think ideas and actions for the long term so that we have a better 
and safer world.

Great news of the new android based app your team developed
 to help collect information about incidents, impacts and need of people and 
this will also greatly help in the long term reconstruction efforts . Having 
this local capacity there make a big difference in the relief efforts and the 
wordings in the blogpost where your colleague announced the new app with "Your 
one report can change the lives of hundreds who are in need" is so true.  We 
need to make sure the voice of the  all those people who desperately need help 
are heard and help is delivered at the right place at the right time and your 
team's efforts for this is truly inspirational for all of us.

Please also be assured that all our GeoforAll colleagues are doing thier best 
to make sure we can provide all background support for your efforts and we are 
also taking long term actions so that we are a global community learn from this 
and work together to to build geocapacity globally for the future and to make 
sure all  students learn about the real essence of education and humanity and 
“sharing knowledge and expertise” to help each other in times of need. 

Please do keep us updated on all developments. Take Care.

Best wishes,

From: Shashish Maharjan(civil) []
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 8:59 AM
To: Suchith Anand
Subject: Re: [Ica-osgeo-labs] Nepal earthquakes - wake up call for action to 
support building geocapacity globally

Dear Suchith

Thanks a lot for your email. Your words have motivated us to work in this harsh 

Our university is partially damaged and due to risks of aftershocks university 
is closed for a month.

We have developed location based andriod app to collect information about 
incidents, impacts and need of people.

These information could be vital during relief as well as reconstruction.

The app can be downloaded from geospatiallab.wordpress

We have used this app to collect data from few earthquake hit places. However 
we are not being able to reach field based organizations due to limited 

Thanks again

We will keep on updating.



On May 15, 2015 1:13 AM, "Suchith Anand" 
<<>> wrote:

It is really sad to see  two earthquakes (in less than a fortnight) hitting 
Nepal . I thank all colleagues who have been contributing to the Humanitarian 
Open Street Map's  relief efforts for this. The Humanitarian 
Open Street Map Team applies the principles of open source and open data 
sharing for humanitarian response and economic development. These efforts are 
greatly helping relief efforts in Nepal

I am especially grateful for the work and relief efforts being done by our 
colleagues in Open Source Geospatial Lab at Kathmandu University  in these 
challenging circumstances and may God help them to help others in need.

Two earthquakes in just over a fortnight in Nepal is a time for all of us to 
think on how we all can contribute to better capacity building in 
national/regional/local levels globally to help with not only relief efforts 
but also be better prepared for  combating natural disasters from earthquakes 
to flooding to landslides . Especially there is very limited capacity in 
geospatial technologies  in developing countries as many of the developing 
countries do not even have local capacity  or ability to buy expensive 
properitory GIS software tools needed. That is why is it very important that 
there is local capacity build in all countries using free and open technologies 
and principles. So making geospatial education opportunities assessible to all 
is key long term aim that we all should work together.

Preparedness is key for managing these kind of disasters and capacity building 
at  national, regional and local level is important and we need to more engage 
with United Nations community for this. In 2012 and 2014 we have organised 
hands on  workshop "Open Source GIS & WebMapping for UN staff" in Vienna, 
Austria . It was organized on behalf of the Commission on Open Source 
Geospatial Technologies of the International Cartographic Association (ICA). 
Barend Kobben  (University of Twente) was the course organisor for this.  (2014 Workshop )  (2012 
Workshop )

So i suggest as a community we plan the following actions:

1. We will need to expand these Open GIS and Open Data training programs for UN 
staff globally. We should  build upon ideas from   International Map Year (IMY) activities led by the International 
Cartographic Association (ICA) and supported by the United Nations  with the 
aim to provide opportunities to  making and using maps and geographic 
information to actually focus on this aspect of capacity building also. It is 
important the capacity building is there at the local level to make this 

2.  Planning ideas of getting students doing GIS programs in universities 
worldwide to contribute to the Missing Maps projects of Humanitarian Open 
Street Map Team  to 
help map the most vulnerable places in the developing world, in order that 
international and local NGOs, and individuals can use the maps and data to 
better respond to crises affecting the areas. It can be a hands on exercise 
(one session minimum) as part of the GIS curriculum.

I got so many emails from lot of faculty worldwide who contributed to the Nepal 
mapping efforts. A lecturer in Southern Methodist University, USA (Jessie 
Zarazaga) emailed "Thank you  for sharing the opportunity to participate. It 
pushed me into action, and we held a very successful Map-In on Friday at the 
school of engineering.My students were proud to be able to do even something 
small to help.And next time they will be even better positioned to play their 

Thank you Jessie Zarazaga for your mail . Your mail has inspired me to think of 
actions for the long term and to ensure that we will be able to train and 
develop  a new generation of cartographers and geographic information 
scientists with the skills needed to take action globally.

All colleagues and volunteers who have contributed for the Humanitarian Open 
Street Map Team's efforts are our "Geo for All" Heros.

Best wishes,


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