
The meeting was very constructive and, despite some technical hurdles, we were 
able to get Martin dialed into the session.  Everything was recorded and the 
slides are publicly available.  I will be working this evening to get assets to 
our public repository and notes as soon as possible.  We have a commitment from 
OGC membership to form a Domain Working Group to address Point Cloud activities 
and that group will be open to the public.  That Domain Working Group has as 
first work items consideration of authoring a Best Practice on the use of the 
current standards / de facto standards in the LiDAR community and a possible 
Interoperability Experiment.  A few members and I will work on expediting the 
stand-up of this Domain Working Group - occurring as I type this note.

To recap, here were the speakers and topics:

•Scott Simmons, OGC: Introduction to Point Cloud discussion and summary of 
standards efforts
•Jeff Young, ASPRS: ASPRS activities with LiDAR data
•Chris Little, UK Met Office: What (where and when) is the Point in Meteorology
•Keith Ryden, Esri: Enterprise community requirements for point clouds
•Jason Smith, Exelis (NGA): Sensor Independent Point Cloud (SIPC) data format, 
a profile of HDF5
•Michael Gerlek, RadiantBlue: Current situation and future work for point clouds
•Peter Baumann: Point clouds in coverages
•Martin Isenburg, OSGeo: Open Source community drivers for point cloud standards
•Doug O’Brien, IDON Technologies: ISO and point cloud standards

Best Regards,

Scott Simmons
Executive Director, Standards Program
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
tel +1 970 682 1922
mob +1 970 214 9467

The OGC: Making Location Count…

> On Jun 1, 2015, at 3:12 PM, Cameron Shorter <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I assume this Point Cloud meeting has concluded?
> Did anyone attending record Martin's presentation? If so, are you able to 
> share it?
> Scott, Martin,
> What where the outcomes from the meeting? Were any actions taken?
> Warm regards,
> Cameron
> On 30/05/2015 8:52 am, Scott Simmons wrote:
>> Dear OSGeo members,
>> Per Cameron’s message below, we have a limited number of GoTo Meeting 
>> connections, so if you wish to join the meeting, please register at this 
>> link and the GoTo Meeting details will be forwarded to you.
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Scott
>> Scott Simmons
>> Executive Director, Standards Program
>> Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
>> tel +1 970 682 1922
>> mob +1 970 214 9467
>> The OGC: Making Location Count…
>>> On May 29, 2015, at 4:28 PM, Cameron Shorter <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Following on from the OSGeo Open Letter on the Need for Open Standards in 
>>> LiDAR [1], Martin Isenburg has been invited to give a 10 minute 
>>> presentation as part of the Point Cloud discussion at the next OGC 
>>> Technical Committee Meeting, 3pm EDT, this Monday 1 June [2], in Boulder 
>>> Colorado USA. It is possible to participate in this meeting via 
>>> goto-meeting and phone, although I'm not sure about capacity. Scott Simmons 
>>> (CCed) from the OGC has details.
>>> I've seen Martin's slides. They are excellent. They clearly articulate the 
>>> problem, and provide a clear and simple 5 step solution.
>>> Martin, your slides, in combination with any actions, feedback, or comments 
>>> that come from this meeting will be very news worthy. I suggest that you 
>>> publish these slides, or alternatively convert them to a blog post or 
>>> similar, and publish soon after the meeting.
>>> We should also approach news agencies as we did before and invite them to 
>>> write up this story. Telling this story will help the greater community 
>>> understand how to promote and select Open LiDAR standards.
>>> Martin, I'm sure I speak for the OSGeo community and 140 people who signed 
>>> your letter in wishing you all the best in your presentation on Monday.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> -- 
>>> Cameron Shorter,
>>> Software and Data Solutions Manager
>>> LISAsoft
>>> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
>>> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
>>> P +61 2 9009 5000,  W 
>>>,  F +61 2 9009 5099
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
> P +61 2 9009 5000,  W 
>,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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