Dear Michael,

It is great to know that AAG will lead a course proposal development team on 
behalf of GENIP for the new Advanced Placement course in Geographic Information 
Science and Technology (GIS&T) .  On behalf of "Geo for All" , i would like to 
strongly support this great initiative to widen and expand geospatial education 
opportunities to schools across USA and we would like to contribute to this 
excellent initiative.

AAG are very welcome to fully make use of the Free and Open Source Geospatial 
Software from the  Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) for your needs and 
requirements. From web mapping to desktop GIS , we have a range of software 
available freely for your educational needs. Details are at

You are also welcome to make use the educational resources our colleagues have 
already developed and tailor it for your needs as required. The educational 
materails are in Creative Commons licence, so you are free to use and modify as 
needed. Our "Geo for All"  colleagues will be pleased to provide any specific 
information you need. 

For example, GeoAcademy colleagues in Texas have already developed a coherent 
curriculum (and running a very successful MOOC program) that includes these 
five GIS courses:

    GST 101 Introduction to Geospatial Technology Using QGIS 2.8
    GST 102 Spatial Analysis Using QGIS 2.8
    GST 103 Data Acquisition & Management Using QGIS 2.8
    GST 104 Cartography Using QGIS 2.8
    GST 105 Remote Sensing Using QGIS 2.8 & GRASS 7.0

All the course materails are available at

It will be a great platform for you to make use of for the "Train the Trainer" 
program for school teachers across USA.  Teachers can not only make use of the 
Open Educational materials  but more importantly they can get the Free and Open 
Source Geospatial Software for thier needs. This will make sure the teachers 
and academics are fully empowered and do not have to depend on the mercy of any 
properitery GIS vendor . 

By pure chance, as i was exploring ideas from colleagues in various GIS 
maillists for a new research paper that i am planning  on "The economic impact 
of OSGeo Software" , one list member  (Randal Hale, USA ) informed of 
properitory GIS software update problems faced by a high school in USA  [1] and 
that example was a real eye opener of the long term costs/sustainability issues 
of properitory GIS software in geoeducation and hence i decided to take action 
and contact you on this. 

Also is there any guarentee that the properitory vendor will keep providing 
free software for the long term? They can change their mind any time and the 
poor schools ,teachers and students will be left on thier own. Either they have 
to pay and buy  (maybe they will get some discount) but the fact of the matter 
is academics , teachers and students are at the mercy of the vendor. If the 
properitory vendor decides to change the costs or terms, the schools and 
students will suffer. 

There are other educational materails from our international colleagues also 
you can make use of. For example, GIS at School of UNEP-GRID Warsaw is an 
excellent resourse for teachers not only in geography but also in other science 
subjects who wish to use geographic concepts in thier teaching. Details at

But more importantly we have amazing academic colleagues contributing thier 
knowledge for Open Education efforts. You can get a flavor from this year's 
GeoForAll - Global Educator of the Year Award 2015. Details are at

Focus on just  properitory vendor tools only in geoeducation  has long term 
consequences  as i realised by discussing this among my colleagues in Geo for 
All  lists [1].  By combining the potential of free and open GI software, open 
data, open standards, open access to research publications, open education 
resources in Geospatial education and research is key for widening geospatial 
education opportunities, accelerating new discoveries and helping solving 
global cross disciplinary societal challenges from Climate change mitigation to 
sustainable cities. 

Could i humbly request you to ensure that Open Education principles and FOSS4G 
tools firmly embedded in the  ConnnectED concept to support the new Advanced 
Placement course in Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T) . 
This will make sure that the educators are empowered and enable them to educate 
and empower the students and give them opportunities and the software tools for 
accelerating economic growth and innovation opportunities. 

Thanks again for your kind consideration of our request and we  fully support 
this great initiative of AAG and will be very happy to contribute for the 
success of this excellent education initiative .I am also actively encouraging 
as many of our colleagues globally to register for  consideration as a proposal 
author and/or reviewer for this , so they all can help contribute thier 
expertise for this exellent educational initiative.

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand


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