
As we grow and expand, it is also time to put in ideas for our expansion plans.

Our Advisory Board have been discussing ideas for this and also considering the 
inputs from the discussions and feedbacks from Portland meetings and the wider 
Geo for All community (Helena has been leading this and also in charge of 
update of the labs lists currently undergoing. Thanks Helena for your efforts), 
we will be  separating the industry, government organisations and NGOs based on 
 Portland discussions and adding them as a new category "Geo for All  
partners". All other criteria [1] will be the same ONLY  
universities/educational institutes/schools will have be able to use 
ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS labs title.  The applications from those interested to join 
will have to be through the various regional chairs as before.

All interested organisations must be committed to contribute to the vision 
outlined in the ICA-OSGeo MoU to develop 
collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations 
in free and open source GIS software , FOSS, open data , open access 
(publications) and contribute to open education in the future. All participants 
should contribute to Education, Research and Service for the betterment of 
humanity as the key guiding principle and work towards the vision of the UN 
Millennium Development Goals for building a 
better world.

So the following  four organisations (and all future industry, government and 
NGOs) who support our principles [1] will be members of   "Geo for All" 
partners category. We will be setting up a new table for this in the wiki site

* French Space Agency CNES  - Government

* Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC) - NGO

* IGN- France - Government

* Birds Eye View GIS     USA - Industry

Our focus till now had been on University/HE  but with the huge interest from 
school teachers on this, it is our mission to empower them and make sure 
geoeducation opportunities are available to our future generations. So will 
also now actively offer opportunities for schools to join as ICA-OSGeo-ISPRS 
labs as that is key for future expansion and empowerment .With our Teacher 
Training & School Education thematic now in place and many developments already 
in place from gvSIG Batovi [2] to GIS at Schools [3] to the Integration of 
geospatial OSS in educational notebooks  [4]that Massimo Di Stefano and others 
are doing , we are in a very good position to expand geoeducation opportunities 
and empowerment to thousands of schools globally.

We will discuss more ideas at Como, so please do join the "Geo for All" 
meetings at FOSS4G Como or email your ideas to Charlie or Helena.

Best wishes,



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