Hi -

In Italian an expression passed from the Romagna dialect to national use
after Federico Fellini made his "Amarcord" movie.

Amarcord is the mis-spelling of "*a m'arcord"* , which means "I
recall"....in Italy you will term something "amarcord" when somebody is
re-proposing things that related to past -and generally perceived as
better- times...

So, possibly in the combination of a recent FOSS4G-EU in Italy, and in the
announcement of an upcoming session by GFOSS.it in the next ASITA
conference in Italy (ASITA is the "mother of all GIS conferences" in our
country), I fished out from my memories an article I wrote in 2010, in fact
during my transition phase from GFOSS.it to something new, which one year
later became Attivarti.org.

I thought the article may be of interest to OSGEO historians -I know a
couple- so I provided an English translation...not easy because of some
"word games" in the original version...I did my best


Back in 2010 some of the main actors in the Italian geospatial arena told
me this was an interesting note, so I hope some of you will find it
interesting today.

Personally, it helped me to consider how things have changed compared to a
2010 "baseline", so it was definitely useful.

Best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli

p.s. by the way: 2015 is much better than 2010, at least for the context I
can see, so this is not maybe so much of an "amarcord" case ;)
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