
I'm not standing for re-elections, because I think, I did not achieved some
tasks I had, and see no way currently, how I could do better as board
member. Also I lack of energy and therefore I cut-off some roles I managed
to play during last couple of years. Being on the board, raised more
questions to me, then clear answers I was able to provide, maybe I just
need to get older (or "more experienced" if you prefer). I hope to return
back some time in the future. I hope to be able to contribute as OSGeo
member and hope to finish some tasks as secretary next years.

Being on the board is not necessary time demanding. But as Bart stated:
it's just up to you, how many time you can dedicate to OSGeo. Having clear
vision where we want to go and accept what is currently possible certainly
helps to get things done. However: if you have to choose between volunteer
work for OSGeo and volunteer work at your open source project, you are in


pá 25. 9. 2015 v 11:34 odesílatel Arnulf Christl <
arnulf.chri...@metaspatial.net> napsal:

> Hash: SHA1
> There are several really good answers to this question. Michael Gerlek
> provided the stats and Hans Gregers Peterson nailed it in his post here
> (thanks to both!):
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-September/014892.html
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-September/014888.html
> This is a really good insight and worthwhile to read.
> Some more personal notes here:
> http://arnulf.us/sevendipity/archives/49-OSGeo-Director-Retrospective.ht
> ml
> <http://arnulf.us/sevendipity/archives/49-OSGeo-Director-Retrospective.html>
> Thanks,
> Arnulf
> On 23.09.2015 09:17, Gert-Jan van der Weijden wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > Preparing to cast my vote for the board election, I noticed that all 4
> > (Jáchym, Bart, Gérald, Jorge) board members who reached the end of the
> ir
> > 2-year term are not standing for re-election. (besides that: Anne
> > decided not to stay for her 2nd year of her 1st term)
> >
> > Some questions arise:
> > - Is the board membership such a demanding job that members always
> > resign after 2 years?
> > - Is this a good thing, to make sure we dont'have board members who ar
> e
> > tied to their seats?
> > - Or is this a bad thing, with board members switching too fast to rea
> ch
> > their goals?
> >
> > Respones from anybody are as always appreciated, but the 4+1 resigning
> > board members and the current candidates are especially invited to giv
> e
> > their humble opinion on this.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Gert-Jan
> >
> >
> > Gert-Jan van der Weijden
> > Voorzitter Stichting OSGeo.nl
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> - --
> Arnulf Christl (Director)
> The metaspatial Institute Certification:
> Open Source - Open Data - Open Standards
> http://www.metaspatial.net/en/institute
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