Given the number of OSGeo projects that are moving their code outside
of OSGeo infrastructure, Mateusz Loskot on IRC suggested to include
guidelines about what is or ins't accepted as a code repository
hosting for OSGeo projects.

An example of a similar guideline is the recent document published by
the FSF about the criteria to consider a code hosting repository
acceptable for a GNU project:

That document identifies different ethical levels,
from acceptable to use to excellent.

The acceptable level focuses on the usability of the hosting site
with only free software tools. I hadn't made the excercise of trying
github against those requirements (as the definition includes
disabling javascript unless it is also free software, which I dubt
is the case with GitHub), but chances are it *might* be considered

Of course the ethical criteria is orthogonal to the strategic
arguments about having code hosted on or off OSGeo infrastructure.

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