
Yes, I could see something like loomio being very helpful. I don't know if
we would want both loomio and something slack-like but we might. It would
be fantastic for board meetings.

I would definitely be in support of something like this or slack or
something being hosted by OSGeo.


Michael Smith
OSGeo Foundation Treasurer

-----Original Message-----
From: Discuss <> on behalf of Jeff McKenna
Date: Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 9:34 AM
To: OSGeo Discussions <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo thoughts on
discussion/collaboration platform hosting
Resent-From: Michael Smith <>

>Hi Mike,
>I agree this is a good discussion.  By the way, Tim Sutton just pointed
>me to a decision making platform that QGIS is now using, I think it
>would be great to have an OSGeo instance (see below):
>On 2015-10-17 6:53 PM, Tim Sutton wrote:
> >
> > did you consider using something like loomio - we found it very
> > frustrating dealing with decisions via email +1 / -1 etc system as it
> > very hard to know when the decision is made, hard to back reference
> > decisions and people tend to start voting on things willy nilly without
> > having a well defined motion in place. We recently switched to using
> > <BlockedBlockedhttp://loomio.orgBlocked> which is a FOSS
>platform for shared
> > decision making. It separates the discussion from the vote(s) but puts
> > them side by side so you can see the context. It also lets you set a
> > deadline for making votes. Its really nice and natural to use. Maybe it
> > would be nice to have an OSGEO instance that all projects could use -
> > just opted to use their hosted version under the philosophy that the
> > less stuff we have to manage ourselves the betterĀŠ. Here is our QGIS
> > project on loomio:
> >
> > BlockedBlocked
>On 2015-10-18 9:16 AM, Michael Smith wrote:
>> Along the lines of code hosting, do we want to think about some kind of
>> OSGeo hosted Slack-like service for the community / projects, eg
>> MatterMost, RocketChat, etc?
>> I wanted to start this as a separate topic although a lot of these
>> alternatives are based on git or gitlab so its a very related
>> What would be useful to OSGeo projects?
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