Thank you for your very good Feedback Cameron and Jorge!

I created your feedback points as issues for the OSGeo Wiki SMW model repository [1]. So you can track the progress, some of them are a bit tricky, I think I will need some days. I plan to add the changes during the coming weekend into the OSGeo wiki.

Some answers to questions or feedback, I did not implemented already or created an issue on github for, are inline below.

On 25.11.2015 12:05, Cameron Shorter wrote:
I wasn't able to test entering data on the page. (I assume the wiki
hasn't been set up for that).

Yes account creation is disabled, if you want an account for testing I can set one up and send the credentials of list.

We should be careful about helping people protect their personal privacy.
Re address, I'd err on not collecting Street address, probably just City
and Country.

The field is optional. Maybe someone want to give the address of his work place?

Is it possible to apply address validation to check for spelling errors?

Interesting, but I don't know any implementation for this problem for Mediawiki.

On 25/11/2015 8:21 am, Jorge Sanz wrote:

And I guess the last update info can be retrieved directly from the
history of the page if needed.

This one is quite tricky, because I have to find out how to trigger an update of the members data from a users (unrelated) activity on the wiki. It should be possible dynamically through the API, but I'm not 100% sure yet on how to do it.


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