+1 Steven

This proposed solution can help keep the LOC going while others work out a 
proposal. Analysis-paralysis could hamstring our whole organisation for too 

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

> Op 18 dec. 2015 om 23:06 heeft Steven Feldman <shfeld...@gmail.com> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> It looks like we are going to need a privacy policy (data protection etc) and 
> possibly a separate policy on email (the two are not the same).
> I don’t think this something that Conference Committee can or should do. This 
> is definitely one for the Board. I understand that this is an important issue 
> for Maxi and perhaps some other board members so hopefully they can produce 
> draft versions of the policies, publish them on the wiki and then invite 
> comment from the wider community. I doubt this will be simple to resolve 
> given the multiple jurisdictions and cultures that we encompass.
> Hopefully that can be completed in a couple of months but I recognise that 
> these discussions can take a while. In the meantime perhaps including Ian’s 
> simple draft text "by submitting your email address you consent to us sharing 
> your details for the purpose of keeping you informed of future similar 
> events.  You can unsubscribe from these communications at anytime using the 
> unsubscribe links provided.” in our registration forms would be a good stop 
> gap.
> I suggest that we continue to use MailChimp (because it has an unsubscribe 
> capability) and we should avoid sharing any further contact details amongst 
> ourselves or with external bodies until the new policies are in place. 
> Cheers
> ______
> Steven
>> On 18 Dec 2015, at 09:40, Massimiliano Cannata 
>> <massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch> wrote:
>> All,
>> I believe the point is not if it was nice or not to receive a message for 
>> being aware of events (that we will be aware in any case thanks to the 
>> social media and mailing lists) but rather if it is appropriate (or even 
>> legal?) perform these unsolicited mail campaign and the sharing of these 
>> data among person on private and non-regulated way.
>> We all know that having the data, it doesn't mean having the right to 
>> distribute it to 3rd party.
>> @Ian: I also don't think a single line of acknowledgement while registering 
>> cover the issue. 
>> For instance your proposal of a "non-active OPT-IN" it seems to me not in 
>> line with the EU regulation discussed in these days here (but i'n not a 
>> lawyer):
>> http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20151217IPR08112/New-EU-rules-on-data-protection-put-the-citizen-back-in-the-driving-seat
>> (thanks Helli for the link!)
>> I request, and will add in the next board meeting agenda, to have a deeper 
>> discussion and agreement at OSGeo level.
>> Because I think that the privacy protection is a matter larger then the 
>> FOSS4G only and is of concern to the whole OSGeo community as it may apply 
>> to several cases.
>> I feel that OSGeo shall define like for the Code of Conduct a Privacy Policy 
>> that applies all over the community and that members shall agree to follow 
>> when they participate in the community.
>> my 0.1 cent,
>> Maxi
>> 2015-12-18 10:00 GMT+01:00 Ian Edwards <iedwards....@gmail.com>:
>>> I support Paul and Steven's approach (and thank them for their actions to 
>>> help keep the community aware of events) -- but I think it's also certainly 
>>> the case that there is always a set of people on our mailing lists who have 
>>> a strong preference that their details are not shared in a way they do not 
>>> agree to up front - In fact, I'm sure we would all include ourselves in 
>>> this category as the type of "spam" we may receive becomes less relevant to 
>>> our interests.
>>> Another way to reach a constructive outcome may be to discuss on the 
>>> conference dev list an update to the FOSS4G Handbook/Cookbook with 
>>> guidelines on opting out when submitting your details.  My preference would 
>>> be a statement that does not require a lot of effort from our volunteer 
>>> organisers, something like:
>>> "by submitting your email address you consent to us sharing your details 
>>> for the purpose of keeping you informed of future similar events.  You can 
>>> unsubscribe from these communications at anytime using the unsubscribe 
>>> links provided."
>>> ===
>>> Ian Edwards
>>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 10:28 PM, Cameron Shorter 
>>>> <cameron.shor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Maxi,
>>>> I love the constructive research that you have started here.
>>>> Email privacy was not as topical when foss4g email lists started getting 
>>>> collected, and tracing technologies such as mail chimp were as assessable 
>>>> as mail chimp is now. So we are right to retrospectively develop our 
>>>> policy in this area.
>>>> If you are up for it, I suggest following a similar process to what we did 
>>>> for getting the OSGeo Code of Conduct in place.
>>>> 1. Research best practice policies. Find one that meets OSGeo community 
>>>> requirements (ideally addressing the majority of the ideas on this email 
>>>> thread)
>>>> 2. Ideally find something that has been adopted and maintained as best 
>>>> practice among many organisations. (This is the Open Source Way).
>>>> 3. Reference it, copy it verbatim, tweak it, or collate with other 
>>>> sources, (possibly into a wiki page)
>>>> 4. Propose to OSGeo community for adoption. Collate feedback, tweak.
>>>> 5. Have OSGeo adopt the policy.
>>>> Warm regards Cameron
>>>>> On 18/12/2015 4:26 am, Daniel Kastl wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I wanted to share some thoughts, because I don't want that Maxi's 
>>>>> concerns are buried under lots +1's, that "we are just doing our best for 
>>>>> a successful FOSS4G". Maybe Maxi's initial email was a bit strong and 
>>>>> contained the  "LocationTech" keyword ;-)
>>>>> I don't think anyone (and for sure not Maxi) wants FOSS4G or OSGeo not to 
>>>>> be successful, and nobody is against marketing. 
>>>>> However doing something with good intent doesn't mean, that it's right, 
>>>>> right?
>>>>> If there is a privacy policy, we need to respect it and handle personal 
>>>>> data (like email addresses) accordingly. If there is no privacy policy, 
>>>>> we probably should have one, because there are at least a few countries I 
>>>>> know, where not being able to opt-out or receiving unwanted emails can 
>>>>> become a legal issue quickly (and cost money).
>>>>> I remember a few months ago the discussion about Code of Conduct, where 
>>>>> some people thought, we don't need that, because we're well-educated and 
>>>>> friendly people, respecting each other, etc.. A code of conduct wasn't 
>>>>> something I cared about that time, because maybe it's not common in 
>>>>> countries where I live. But I learned, that it's an important document 
>>>>> for North American countries. And I think the privacy topic is a widely 
>>>>> discussed issue in European countries, and we have some lessons learned 
>>>>> about services/organizations trying to track us. 
>>>>> So that's maybe the reason, why some are not so happy to click an 
>>>>> encrypted link with tracking ID (and whatever else). While I think you 
>>>>> already get tracked, when you open the email and the transparent image 
>>>>> gets loaded.
>>>>> Speaking as a Japanese citizen, it's even seen as bad practice here to 
>>>>> sent HTML emails, so almost every commercial email is text only with 
>>>>> beautiful ASCII art and is really hard to look at.
>>>>> While reading this thread I had the following questions actually:
>>>>> - Is the collected database of email addresses available on request for 
>>>>> every local chapter?
>>>>> - If a local chapter passes it to some third party organization (in this 
>>>>> case LocationTech, but replace it with any other name), what happens with 
>>>>> these addresses later? Are they now merged with the "LocationTech Tour" 
>>>>> database or the whole Eclipse address pool, etc.?
>>>>> - If I didn't open my email, because I'm not from North America, will I 
>>>>> be removed from the database and future announcements?
>>>>> I think most email addresses collected from further events were for 
>>>>> registration purpose. There is no way to register without giving OSGeo an 
>>>>> email address.
>>>>> And even if we won't harm anyone, we didn't ask those people, if they 
>>>>> would like to opt-in for a newsletter-like service. 
>>>>> So I find it somehow OK (gray-zone) to use the existing address 
>>>>> collection for marketing future global FOSS4G events (it's only once a 
>>>>> year), but you need to understand that FOSS4G NA is a regional event, and 
>>>>> that the emails probably haven't been filtered by region. If we continue 
>>>>> this practice, will then every local FOSS4G be able to spread the word in 
>>>>> the name of OSGeo using a collected address list of the past 10 years?
>>>>> Personally I think, that as a community we can do much better marketing 
>>>>> than using MailChimp.
>>>>> Maybe it's a good idea to add an opt-in form to FOSS4G registrations, 
>>>>> where people can sign up for event announcements, even with regional 
>>>>> preferences eventually?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>> On 18/12/15 01:09, Steven Feldman wrote:
>>>>>> +1,000,000 to what Paul has said
>>>>>> I also passed the FOSS4G 2013 list (which included names for 2011 and 
>>>>>> previous FOSSS4Gs) to the 2014 team in the spirit of fraternal support 
>>>>>> to future FOSS4Gs, I believe that was the right thing to do even though 
>>>>>> we neglected to have specific opt in/out option. No doubt they passed 
>>>>>> the extended list to 2015 and they have in turn shared with 2016. This 
>>>>>> is good not bad.
>>>>>> We need to separate the animus towards LT from the apparent horror at 
>>>>>> the use of a ‘commercial’ service like MailChimp. Those of us who earn 
>>>>>> our living from Open Source Geo need to promote Open Source Geo and that 
>>>>>> means outreach to people who may not be followers of our mailing lists, 
>>>>>> so we need other channels. e-mail marketing is an established way of 
>>>>>> reaching potential FOSS4G participants, it is not evil, it probably 
>>>>>> isn’t spam (even if you haven’t opted in) as long as you provide an 
>>>>>> immediate opt out from further mail (which MailChimp does really well).
>>>>>> If LT are willing to allow us access to their large contact list, surely 
>>>>>> that is something we should say thank you for not complain about? We 
>>>>>> might want to ask ourselves why their list is so much larger than ours? 
>>>>>> We have a list of several thousand accumulated from previous FOSS4Gs, 
>>>>>> using MailChimp enables us to clean that list down to interested 
>>>>>> participants very efficiently by providing a simple opt out.
>>>>>> There is no reason why we should not continue to maintain a growing list 
>>>>>> of people who have attended, sponsored or expressed interest in 
>>>>>> OSGeo/FOSS4G. The norm should be that you are opted in by default as a 
>>>>>> result of past interest but every mail provides the option to opt out.
>>>>>> Evangelising Open Source Geo is IMHO immensely worthwhile. To do that 
>>>>>> you need to be a bit pushy while finding the right balance. 
>>>>>> Let’s applaud our advocates, conference organisers and marketeers, not 
>>>>>> moan at them
>>>>>> Apologies if this is a bit ranty (the first draft was way more ranty)
>>>>>> Peace and goodwill to everyone for the holiday season whatever your faith
>>>>>> ______
>>>>>> Steven
>>>>> On 18/12/2015 6:28 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the productive discussion - some of those privacy policies 
>>>>> seem to be website specific ( rather than for an organization as a whole 
>>>>> ).
>>>>> We just are rebooting the webcom so the timing is good for a privacy 
>>>>> discussion. It may be easier to start here and then branch out to project 
>>>>> / committee email lists and a foundation wide policy. 
>>>>> We have a different understanding of foss4g Maxi.
>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 4:08 AM Massimiliano Cannata 
>>>>>> <massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Gert, deal all,
>>>>>> after a few days of discussion I would like to sum up some 
>>>>>> considerations to re-focus to subject of my first e-mail and that in my 
>>>>>> opinion should led OSGeo foundation to at least one or two argument for 
>>>>>> discussion.
>>>>>> 1- Some FOSS4G events made use of "aggressive" marketing strategies 
>>>>>> using mailing lists where the users didn't explicitly agree in being 
>>>>>> notified.
>>>>>> 2- There are laws on privacy protection which are different  for 
>>>>>> different countries/region (this is explained for example at this 
>>>>>> resource, but I'm not a loyer: 
>>>>>> http://www.lsoft.com/resources/optinlaws.asp )
>>>>>> 3- OSGeo act globally and should be respectful as much as possible of 
>>>>>> all the existing rules
>>>>>> 4- FOSS4G is the OSGeo's label of their Free and Open Source Software 
>>>>>> For Geospatial conferences
>>>>>> Said that each person or organization is responsible for its acts (and 
>>>>>> is free to behave as he/she/it prefer), I would like that OSGeo - and 
>>>>>> FOSS4G that is with no doubt recognized as an OSGeo event - act in 
>>>>>> respect of a well defined privacy protection policy with is 
>>>>>> as much protective of privacy as possible.
>>>>>> Example of Privacy Policy can be found for example in:
>>>>>> - Apache foundation 
>>>>>> (http://www.apache.org/foundation/policies/privacy.html) 
>>>>>> - Eclipse foundation (https://eclipse.org/legal/privacy.php) 
>>>>>> - Debian (http://www.debianit.com/privacy-policy/)
>>>>>> - Software Freedom Conservancy 
>>>>>> (https://sfconservancy.org/privacy-policy/)
>>>>>> - OpenStack (https://www.openstack.org/privacy/)
>>>>>> From a short reading all of them seems state that they do not pass 
>>>>>> information to third parties and do not use these information for 
>>>>>> sending newsletter unless explicitly agreed.
>>>>>> So, if I raised you attention to this hot topic and in the future people 
>>>>>> will be more sensitive and respectful of privacy when they act in the 
>>>>>> name of FOSS4G or OSGeo I'm 1000% happy and accept any blame on me.
>>>>>> Best regard,
>>>>>> Maxi
>>>>>> 2015-12-15 23:38 GMT+01:00 Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl 
>>>>>> <gert-...@osgeo.nl>:
>>>>>>> First: I took the opportunity to change the subject of this thread to a 
>>>>>>> less shouting version (CAPS LOCK and spam live side-by-side on my 
>>>>>>> email-irritation-scale)
>>>>>>> Second: Funny to see how the use of two different channels (mailing 
>>>>>>> list vs. MailChimp) kind of reflect the different approaches to reach 
>>>>>>> the -more of less- same goal.
>>>>>>> Any expanding organisation / movement / community comes to a point 
>>>>>>> where the classical channels (like a mailing list) reach their limits,
>>>>>>> and "new" marketing (yuch! marketing==ugly & bad!) channels & methods 
>>>>>>> may help to stretch beyond borders. Which comes at a cost (as Maxi 
>>>>>>> tries to tell, I guess).
>>>>>>> Food for thought for the Board face2face meeting in January (and for 
>>>>>>> the entire community) to determine
>>>>>>> - what our goals are
>>>>>>> - what our values are
>>>>>>> - and how these two compare to each other.
>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>> Gert-Jan
>>>>>>> Van: Discuss [mailto:discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] Namens Rob 
>>>>>>> Emanuele
>>>>>>> Verzonden: dinsdag 15 december 2015 21:51
>>>>>>> Aan: David Bianco
>>>>>>> CC: OSGeo Discussions
>>>>>>> Onderwerp: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4GNA - SOMEONE IS WATCHING YOU :-o
>>>>>>> Hey David,
>>>>>>> The emails on the mailing list were cultivated by past FOSS4G NA 
>>>>>>> attendees, people opting in in other ways, and from lists that were 
>>>>>>> given by members of this and last year's committee. If we're spamming 
>>>>>>> people who didn't opt in, it is not intentional and apologies for the 
>>>>>>> spam (the world certainly doesn't need more spam). We'll take a look at 
>>>>>>> the list moving forward to try to prevent from sending emails to anyone 
>>>>>>> who didn't opt in.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rob
>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 2:48 PM, David Bianco <m...@davidbianco.net> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I believe MailChimp has policies against adding emails to your list 
>>>>>>> without a user's authorization.
>>>>>>> http://mailchimp.com/legal/acceptable_use/
>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015, at 10:16, Rob Emanuele wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks for pointing out that it wasn't yet posted to OSGeo-Discuss, I 
>>>>>>> just posted it.
>>>>>>> There's a one-click unsubscribe button from that mailing list, sorry 
>>>>>>> for the spam!
>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 12:31 PM, Massimiliano Cannata 
>>>>>>> <massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch> wrote:
>>>>>>> Just a funny note...
>>>>>>> Nice to see that LocationTech has a FOSS4G email (!!!! WOW!!!!!) 
>>>>>>> and..... 
>>>>>>> that all the link on the received e-mail are connected with my user_id 
>>>>>>> (I have one????? Yes) 
>>>>>>> and.... 
>>>>>>> that they are tracked (!!! without inform me !!!) 
>>>>>>> and... 
>>>>>>> that I have been added to a list that i'm not subscribed.... 
>>>>>>> (http://mailchimp.com/about/mcsv/)
>>>>>>> But...
>>>>>>> Where did they get my e-mail from?
>>>>>>> why thy didn't simply post the news to the discussion-osgeo list?
>>>>>>> what do they want to track?
>>>>>>> If you want to see the FOSS4G-NA without been traced here is the link 
>>>>>>> https://2016.foss4g-na.org/
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Maxi
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Massimiliano Cannata
>>>>>>> Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica
>>>>>>> Responsabile settore Geomatica
>>>>>>> Istituto scienze della Terra
>>>>>>> Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design
>>>>>>> Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
>>>>>>> Campus Trevano, CH - 6952 Canobbio
>>>>>>> Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14
>>>>>>> Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09
>>>>>>> massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch
>>>>>>> www.supsi.ch/ist
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>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Massimiliano Cannata
>>>>>> Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica
>>>>>> Responsabile settore Geomatica
>>>>>> Istituto scienze della Terra
>>>>>> Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design
>>>>>> Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
>>>>>> Campus Trevano, CH - 6952 Canobbio
>>>>>> Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14
>>>>>> Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09
>>>>>> massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch
>>>>>> www.supsi.ch/ist
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jody Garnett
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Cameron Shorter,
>>>> Software and Data Solutions Manager
>>>> LISAsoft
>>>> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
>>>> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
>>>> P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099
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>> -- 
>> Massimiliano Cannata
>> Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica
>> Responsabile settore Geomatica
>> Istituto scienze della Terra
>> Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design
>> Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
>> Campus Trevano, CH - 6952 Canobbio
>> Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14
>> Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09
>> massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch
>> www.supsi.ch/ist
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