I'm interested to know how a company seal should be different to our existing OSGeo Logo?

* Would a company seal dilute the branding of the logo?

* Should the company seal be based on the OSGeo logo in order to consolidate brand recognition? (I assume so)

On 11/02/2016 6:15 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
I found this link (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company_seal) a helpful starting point.

Jody Garnett

On 10 February 2016 at 10:13, Anita Graser <anitagra...@gmx.at <mailto:anitagra...@gmx.at>> wrote:

    ​Dear OSGeo community,

    OSGeo just turned 10 and as a gift to ourselves, we would like to
    invite the artistic minds in our community to develop the official
    seal for our foundation (in line with our bylaws). This seal will
    be used on official documents, such as the student award
    certificates at FOSS4G Events.

    Anyone may submit artwork. We are looking for the best, so spread
    the word to your family and friends.

    The winning designer will receive a free pass to FOSS4G
    ​ ​

    For more information, please visit

    Best wishes,

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