Dear agrigis people
Just to inform you that istSOS was successfully used in the FP7 project
ENORASIS ( to optimize (min water & max yield)  irrigation
schedule using weather forecast and field law cost sensor.

Also in the H2020 project FREEWAT ( a set of tools for
hydrogeological and crop modelling & integrated in QGIS are under
developement (of course all is free and open source).

Hope it is of interest.

Il 13/Feb/2016 08:52, "Suchith Anand" <> ha

> Dear colleague,
> I am emailing you to invite you to join the *Geo4All AgriGIS thematic*
> that is lead by *Dr Didier Leibovici (University of Nottingham, UK ) *and *Dr.
> Nobusuke Iwasaki ( National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
> (NIAES), Japan*).
> Mobile broadband networks, location-based technologies, sensor-web
> technologies and cloud computing offer the potentials to develop location
> independent, sustainable living and to provide flexible and low cost
> information and services networks, linking individuals and communities in a
> scale that transcends national boundaries. Rapid developments in
> positioning, broad-band mobile communications, sensor platforms, sensor-web
> enablement, spatial search and pervasive computing fundamentally change the
> access to and use of location-based data for agriculture. However, the
> necessary multi-disciplinary approach needed to transform raw data and
> information into useful intelligence and knowledge for scientists is still
> constrained by disciplinary and organisational silo's and legacy concepts.
> Geospatial interoperability and open source standards-based GIS and open
> data will help deliver holistic solutions in geospatial technologies in
> AgriGIS by enabling the ready integration of separate location relevant
> technologies and lowering costs. The expanding range of open source GIS
> tools and open data will greatly enhance the use of geospatial technologies
> in agriculture and facilitates the sharing of information across various
> stakeholders and collaborative work.
> To give you some background information, myself and Didier Leibovici in
> 2012 established AgriGIS theme [1] at the University of Nottingham through
> a *BBSRC funded GRASP research* [2] that we were successful in
> collaboration with Plant Science colleagues . The aim of establishing
> AgriGIS research theme at Nottingham was to expand cross-disciplinary
> research into the application of geospatial science to agriculture, in
> genetic diversity including identifying new sources of trait variation,
> planning breeding objectives with local knowledge input, and evaluating the
> effect of climate change scenarios . We also build wider research
> collaborations with *Crops for the Future , Malaysia* [3] and *the Open
> Source Geospatial Lab, UNMC, Malaysia* (Tuong Thuy Vu) [4] through
> various ongoing research (incl. fully funded PhD studentships) and AgriGIS
> workshops [5].
> You can get some overview of GRASP from AgriGIS workshop that we held at
> Nottingham
> I am also contributing to RDA's Agriculture Data IG and i have presented
> our work at the RDA Agriculture IG session in Dublin in 2014 looking into 
> *Geospatial
> interoperability in Agriculture research*. I also know the chair of the
> Agriculture IG , Devika Madalli (Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore)
> and other colleagues in the IG.
> Aiming to expand our AgriGIS research globally, we have been building
> global research collaborations through our involvement in global research
> initiatives like the *Research Data Alliance (RDA)* ,for example leading
> the Geospatial IG [4]. Research Data Alliance builds the social and
> technical bridges that enable open sharing of data. The RDA vision is
> researchers and innovators openly sharing data across technologies,
> disciplines, and countries to address the grand challenges of society.The
> Research Data Alliance is supported by the European Commission, the
> National Science Foundation and other U.S. agencies, and the Australian
> Government.Details at
> I am also in discussions for expanding collaborations with Global Open
> Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) initiative [7] . The* Global
> Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN)* initiative seeks to
> support global efforts to make agricultural and nutritionally relevant data
> available, accessible, and usable for unrestricted use worldwide. The
> initiative focuses on building high-level policy and public and private
> institutional support for open data. The initiative encourages
> collaboration and cooperation among existing agriculture and open data
> activities, without duplication, and brings together all stakeholders to
> solve long-standing global problem. GODAN has high level governmental
> support (G7, United Nations, FAO) and strong collaborations in place with
> governments worldwide so it is important that we have synergies with GODAN
> and work together AND support the proactive sharing of open data to make
> information about agriculture and nutrition available, accessible and
> usable to deal with the urgent challenge of ensuring world food security.
> Capacity Building and Training in the latest geospatial technologies is
> key for staff and students in Agriculture to take advantage of the
> technological innovations in AgriGIS(removing the need for high cost
> proprietary GI software). *It will also encourage more collaborations and
> startups which will help accelerate digital economy for the future . This
> will create innovation opportunities globally and locally.* For example,
> the startup community is especially open to the use of open software and
> data avoiding huge licensing costs and restrictions which may impact on
> their business plans, raise early start-up costs and restrict their ability
> to innovate and it frees them of the need to use proprietary software and
> data allowing them greater branding freedom and product flexibility.
> BBSRC Funded GRASP is a good example of open philosophy (open source, open
> standards, open data, open access ) in AgriGIS research and now with over
> 100 dedicated Open Source Geospatial Labs already been established in
> universities and research organisations around the world as part of the
> "Geo for All" initiative in just two year's time, we are now expanding
> research in AgriGIS through our global research labs for this, so please
> join us at
> AND let us work together to support open principles in Agriculture research
> to deal with the urgent challenge of ensuring world food security.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith Anand
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
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