On 20 February 2016 at 01:07, Massimiliano Cannata <
massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch> wrote:

> With this mail I would personally like to ask a few questions the
> different communities:
> - who is intended to present a fund request for sprint code in 2016. This
> will give an idea of the number of expected requests.

Thanks to OSGeo both providing funds, and providing backup, for the
GeoServer sprint. No further sprints are planned in 2016.

I think that providing backup-funding is a more valuable use of OSGeo
resources - it enables planning to start early before "enough" sponsorship
is in place.
(I am really glad to see such generous sponsorship  of the paris code

> - do you have preferences on criteria for assign resources and eventually
> what is your choice motivation?

There is not a bad list of criteria in the wiki:

*When deciding to support a sprint, OSGeo should follow these guidelines:*

*OSGeo has a limited budget, and gives priority to proposals which provide
   value to a wide OSGeo community. Greater value might be achieved by
   incorporating sprints from multiple OSGeo projects into one, or by
   extending the code sprint to incorporate virtual participants from around
   the world. *
*OSGeo should not be the sole source of funding for the event. OSGeo
   prefers sprints to be partially funded by third-party sponsors, and may
   choose to provide funding "matching" the amount of sponsorship money raised
   for the event. OSGeo's contribution should go towards reducing the net cost
   for participants instead of for instance supporting a more expensive venue
   or setup. *
   - *OSGeo understands that some events may require up-front costs, e.g.
   for deposits, and some events may present a financial risk, e.g. if the
   number of attendees is not met. Instead of direct funding, OSGeo may
   provide "back-stop" funding and assume the liability risk.*

- OSGeo projects represented (although sprint open to all like minded
projects it would be a shame to have an OSGeo sprint with no OSGeo

- Multiple projects participation (cross project communication is great for
community building - "we are in it together" feeling)

- Cross project activities (say integration testing between several osgeo
projects, or a joint initiative)
- Sprint focused on OSGeo goals (incubation sprint, website sprint,
education outreach sprint)
- Sprint focused on a partner goal (say a sprint focused on OGC CITE

Thanks for facilitating this conversation Maxi
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