Hi all,
Nicolas has recently identified that the OSGeo-Live QGIS quickstart which describes how to use GRASS within QGIS is incorrect. (I assume due to updates).

Is there anyone with experience with this who can help us update this quickstart within the next 48 hours (before we cut our Release Candidate)? Otherwise we will need to comment this out of our Quickstart.

The previous quickstart can be seen here:

Nicolas' review as a git pull request here:

Warm regards, Cameron

On 10/03/2016 2:20 am, Baka Niko wrote:
Hi Cameron,

I made a pull request for the QGIS quickstart review I made.
. screenshots are mostly updated (except for GRASS and OSM, shutter crashed at that moment)

. I changed some texts

.Wasn't able to update the whole GRASS section. It changed too much from the last version and I wasn't able to locate the mentionned tools. I'm sorry about that.

.There is 2 screenshot that I retake in 1024x768: qgis_toolbox.png and qgis_enable_providers.png. But I didn't know how to remove it trough git. You just delete them and use git add on them ?

So QGIS needed a lot of work, most is done, but the GRASS section needs a complete rebuild by someone who knows the tool.



2016-03-09 11:17 GMT+01:00 Baka Niko <baka.n...@gmail.com <mailto:baka.n...@gmail.com>>:


    I'll look for the mentionned changes.

    My name and surname are already in the google settings, don't know
    why it shows baka niko instead of my real names.

    By the way, my first name is Nicolas, and my family name is
    Roelandt. So you can call me Nicolas, which is the same as
    Nicholas in the english speaking world. Niko is fine too.

    Sorry it confuses you.


    2016-03-09 7:54 GMT+00:00 Cameron Shorter
    <cameron.shor...@gmail.com <mailto:cameron.shor...@gmail.com>>:

        Hi Nicolas,
        QGIS email thread as mentioned.

        I just realised I've used your nick name "Baka" instead of
        Nicolas in last email. Sorry about that. Any chance you could
        change your email settings to say "Nicolas"?
        By the way, I'm not sure if your last name?

        Warm regards, Cameron

        -------- Forwarded Message --------
        Subject:        Re: Ping: Any features added to qgis between
        versions 2.4.0 and 2.14.0 worth mentioning in the Project
        Date:   Mon, 7 Mar 2016 06:50:42 +1100
        From:   Cameron Shorter <cameron.shor...@gmail.com>
        To:     Tim Sutton <t...@kartoza.com> <mailto:t...@kartoza.com>,
        Nathan Woodrow <madman...@gmail.com> <mailto:madman...@gmail.com>
        CC:     Alex Mandel <tech_...@wildintellect.com>
        <mailto:tech_...@wildintellect.com>, Tim Sutton
        <t...@linfiniti.com> <mailto:t...@linfiniti.com>, Larry Shaffer
        <lar...@dakotacarto.com> <mailto:lar...@dakotacarto.com>,
        live-demo <live-d...@lists.osgeo.org>

        Thanks Tim for suggestions.
        Nathan, updates would be welcome. Thanks for the offer. You
        probably want to look at Tim's suggestions below. I note he
        also had attachments.

        If you are able to update sooner in the week rather than
        later, that would be great, as OSGeo-Live translators are
        translating this week, and we strike our release candidate
        next Monday 14 March.

        Warm regards, Cameron

        On 6/03/2016 3:52 pm, Nathan Woodrow wrote:

        Hey Cameron,

        Sorry. I can do a update this week for you. Didn't even see
        your emails this week.


        On 7/03/2016 3:05 am, Tim Sutton wrote:
        Hi Cameron

        On 05 Mar 2016, at 23:49, Cameron Shorter<cameron.shor...@gmail.com> 
<mailto:cameron.shor...@gmail.com>  wrote:

        Hi all,
        I haven't had any luck connecting with the QGIS community, and since 
writing this email a few days back, Angelos reports that we now have QGIS 
2.14.0 working on OSGeo-Live.

        Can we please, please, please get some help working out if our Project 
Overview does QGIS justice in its description of QGIS features.


        I’m sorry we are all a bit pooped from getting 2.14 out and the 
subsequent email barrage etc.

        Looking at the above page I would say its still probably fine like 
that. I don’t have time to update the docs directly, but if someone else does, 
here are my suggested edits:

        1) Add 2.5D rendering support to the feature list
        2) Change the logo to the new QGIS logo (attached as SVG)
        3) Update the screenshot to the attached
        4) Update the current version to 2.14

        Thanks for making the effort to include us on the live CD!



        And if we could get someone to check that QGIS's quickstart is still 
valid that would be wonderful.
        How to add/update docs is described here:
        Warm regards, Cameron

        On 3/03/2016 10:29 pm, Cameron Shorter wrote:
        Hey guys,
        Anyone around? Any chance you could help with this question?
        Cheers, Cameron

        On 29/02/2016 9:56 pm,cameron.shor...@gmail.com 
<mailto:cameron.shor...@gmail.com>  wrote:
        Hi Tim, Nathan, Larry, Alex,

        The OSGeo-Live Project Overview for qgis currently describes version 
2.4.0, however version 2.12.1 is installed on the next OSGeo-Live9.5 release.
        Are there any features which should be added to the Project Overview, 
or does the doc just require a version update?

        You can see the latest nightly OSGeo-Live docs 
        And docs are in git here:https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc

        Warm regards,

        Cameron Shorter,
        Software and Data Solutions Manager
        Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
        26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

        P+61 2 9009 5000 <tel:%2B61%202%209009%205000>,  Wwww.lisasoft.com 
<http://www.lisasoft.com>,  F+61 2 9009 5099 <tel:%2B61%202%209009%205099>


        Tim Sutton

        Visithttp://kartoza.com  <http://kartoza.com/> <http://kartoza.com/>  
to find out about open source:

        * Desktop GIS programming services
        * Geospatial web development
        * GIS Training
        * Consulting Services

        Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis atfreenode.net 
        Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee

        Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial

-- Cameron Shorter,
        Software and Data Solutions Manager
        Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
        26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

        P+61 2 9009 5000 <tel:%2B61%202%209009%205000>,  Wwww.lisasoft.com 
<http://www.lisasoft.com>,  F+61 2 9009 5099 <tel:%2B61%202%209009%205099>

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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