Hey any folks in the upper midwest,

Just want to remind you all about the Upper Midwest Geospatial Conference
coming up really soon May 25-26.

While it's not a dedicated open source event, there are many open source
workshops and presentations including FREE GeoMoose and CartoDB workshops.

Cost for full registration is only $185 with a $50 student rate making this
a great event for folks in the region who may have difficulty getting to
other events.

This conference is a being put on as a collaboration of the main GIS
professional associations in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota along with the
non-profits GITA, ASPRS, and SharedGeo (who provided an invaluable role in
the production of FOSS4GNA 2013).

Keynotes include Trevor Taylor of the OGC, Darryl Murdock from the US
Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, and Chris Diller of the National States
Geographic Information Council.

Aside from Open Source there are a number of presentations on:

   - Geodesy with many presentations from the National Geodetic Survey
   - Open Data initiatives particularly coming out of state and regional
   - UAV's/Drones
   - Visualization
   - Mobile Data
   - The Cloud
   - LiDAR

David William Bitner
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