I second the nomination of Gael Kruwialis (in cc) as a charter member
for OSGeo.

Gael is advocating open Geo software in his organisation (the Brussels
administration for environmental matters) already a long time and is
trying to promote it as a user.

Gael, a geographer engaged in geomatics through remote sensing, became
from his professional need very interested in the open source movement
and all the solutions available, and was quickly convinced that Open
Source could be a real benefit for his organisation to advance
interoperability between administrations.
Gael is Active in the implementation of INSPIRE and SDI infrastructures
and he evangelizes and provides solutions to its surroundings for
greater ethics.
He has user experience with MapServer - and PostGIS. He is active in

Gael is one of the founding members of OSGeo.be and is
volunteering very actively helping to find sponsors and helping with all
the logistical aspects to organise events such as the FOSS4G conference.

Last year Gael realised that his organisation was the main sponsor  of
the first FOSS4G conference in Belgium and is always open to help where
he can promoting open source and OSGeo.


On 14-07-16 09:16, Vasile Craciunescu wrote:
> Forwarding Gaël Kruwialis nomination by Maëlle Vercauteren Drubbel.
> Best regards,
> Vasile
> 2016 OSGeo Elections CRO
> 2016-07-06 10:05 GMT+02:00 Maelle Vercauteren <maver...@ulb.ac.be
> <mailto:maver...@ulb.ac.be>>:
>     Dear CRO,
>     I would like to nominate Gaël Kruwialis for the OSGeo Charter
>     members election:
>     Gaël Kruwialis (email: <gkruwialis@environnement.brussels>) is a
>     dynamic supporter of OpenSource Geospatial technologies and OpenData.
>     Active in the implementation of INSPIRE and PSI to advance
>     interoperability between administrations. Gaël was among the first
>     in Belgian Public administrations not only to support and use
>     FOSS4G, but to actively promote and fund OSGeo's events in Belgium.
>     Gaël is one of the founding members of the local chapter OSGeo.be
>     and he is part of the organisation team for BeOpenGIs, the first &
>     second FOSS4G conferences in Belgium.
>     Kind Regards,
>     Maë//e
>     Maëlle Vercauteren Drubbel
>     http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Maellevd
>     2016-07-04 14:29 GMT+02:00 Vasile Craciunescu
>     <vas...@geo-spatial.org <mailto:vas...@geo-spatial.org>>:
>         Dear all,
>         This year OSGeo elections started today with the nomination
>         period for new Charter Members. The nomination period is open
>         for the next two weeks. Please help our Foundation grow and
>         nominate new Charter Members by 2016-07-17.
>         Elections page:
>         http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2016
>         Please help spread the word and also reach out to communities
>         who have
>         not yet been connected with OSGeo.
>         Best regards,
>         Vasile (2016 CRO)
>         _______________________________________________
>         Discuss mailing list
>         Discuss@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Discuss@lists.osgeo.org>
>         http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss

Yours sincerely,

ir. Dirk Frigne
CEO @geosparc

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