Hi all,

a public registry of all EPSG CRSs and their definitions is provided by OGC
since many years under http://www.opengis.net/ . For example, WGS 84 is
accessible through http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326 .

This service is kept in sync with EPSG releases and adds further CRS families,
such as Index CRSs and height CRSs and in future, once definitions are resolved
by OGC, also time ("temporal") CRSs. Arrangement has been made to also host
Planetary CRS definitions of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

Repeating (part of) this comprehensive (and authoritative) work may be less
fruitful, but building additional services on top of that might make a lot of
sense indeed.

my 2 cents,


On 08/28/2016 08:39 PM, Luí­s de Sousa wrote:
> Dear Manfred,
> The projection finder project is not entirely clear to me, however, the
> suggestion for a new coordinate system database is indeed pertinent. This was
> referred in other addresses at the conference: spatialreference.org has not
> been maintained for several years; parts of proj4 are not, or poorly, 
> maintained.
> Besides a reference system database, it would also be quite useful to have a
> projection data base, including mathematical definitions, map sketches of
> their ouput and some clues or guidelines to its implementation (e.g.
> pseudo-code algorithms). This information is today very dispersed in the web.
> Regards,
> Luís
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Detect and define the coordinate system of gis data
>> with no projection information automatically
>> Local Time: August 28, 2016 6:05 PM
>> UTC Time: August 28, 2016 4:05 PM
>> From: manf...@egger-gis.at
>> To: discuss@lists.osgeo.org
>> Hello,
>> At FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn i talked with Venkatesh Raghavan about my poster
>> presentation "SHAPEFILE PROJECTIONFINDER". URL to poster:
>> http://www.egger-gis.at/app/download/13175253496/POSTER_EGGER_FOSS4G.pdf?t=1469787116
>> He recommended to start a discussion in this mailing list about the topic
>> mentioned in the mail subject.
>> I also talked in Bonn with Petr Pridal about http://epsg.io. Some days before
>> Bonn i wrote emails to Aaaron Racicot and the mailing list of
>> http://spatialrefrence.org.
>> Please read first carefully on my website, what i plan to do:
>> http://www.egger-gis.at/shapefile-projectionfinder/
>> There are two problems to solve before tools like SHAPEFILE PROJECTIONFINDER
>> can be developed as a sustainable solution:
>> 1. Until today there is no stable free service running like
>> www.projfinder.com by Aaron Racicot, which can be used by all developers.
>> 2. Until today there is no open source database which includes all coordinate
>> system with epsg-code and additionally user and esri definded grids.
>> There are open source solutions like:
>> - spatialrefrence.org
>> - epsg.io
>> But in the detail both solutions have problems to update their database with
>> low costs.
>> Maybe OSGeo can promote a stable service with load balancing on the base of
>> an existing solution like epsg.io including Aarons idea?
>> Maybe organisation like UN, a university or EU (INTERREG) are possible
>> project partners/sponsors for such a solution?
>> The goal is: Tools like SHAPEFILE PROJECTIONFINDER, a Q-GIS-Plugin or a
>> mobile application can use a stable free gis-service updated daily and help
>> gis users to solve projection troubles faster. I think gis users working not
>> everyday with gis will be happy about this solutions?
>> What do you think about my idea?
>> Best regards,
>> Manfred Egger
>> Alois-Schrott-Str. 34
>> 6020 Innsbruck
>> Austria
>> Web: http://egger-gis.at
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